On being broke
This whole not having a job thing really sucks ass. I'm bored. I'm broke. And for me, being broke is the worst part of it. If I would have had money right now, I wouldn't be sitting here. I'd be down in Grand Rapids (at this very moment) visiting Jess and we'd be at The Intersection seeing Sister Hazel and I'd be getting another autographed CD. But no, instead I'm stuck at another boring night at home because I have no money and can't even afford a night out here in Bay City. Heck, I went to buy a storage drawer at WalMart last night when I was there with my mom and she asked me how I could afford it, and how I was getting money (was I selling my body on the street?). Really, this is getting really old. I've got bills to pay. This is going to be the first month that I won't be able to completely pay off my Old Navy credit card. Hell, if I don't get a job soon, I'm not going to be able to pay my bills in August. Of course this is also the 2nd month that I haven't got my Verizon bill in the mail when I usually get it either. And I need a new cell phone before I go back to school, mine's so erratic when it comes to holding a charge and now with no antenna, getting a signal in Big Rapids will be even harder. This sucks!