Friday, February 25, 2011

Ghost Chronicles, Part 1

So, I never really believed in ghosts before. I didn't believe other people's stories about ghosts in their houses.

Until I saw one in my own on Sunday night.

Since I've moved into my own place, the water heater has been making funny sounds. It shakes the pipes in the whole house when it turns on and you can hear water running. It's not a quiet sound. So, it just happened that I was falling asleep when the water heater did it's lovely little trick. I opened my eyes and rolled over and I saw it.

Right by the door, which was partially open and letting in a little of the light from the nightlight in the hallway, was a set of what looked like curlicues of smoke at about knee height coming out of the carpet. There was nothing to explain it besides a ghost. There's no heat vents or anything that would explain smoking carpet.

And it happened again last night. Once again, the water heater did it's little trick and I opened my eyes. About a foot away from my head, overtop the pillows that I have on an end table next to my bed, was an "orb" of "smoke" with wisps coming out from it. I rolled over and tried to ignore that it was there, but sleep did not come easily to me the rest of the night. At some point, I felt something patting the blankets next to me, yet I was all alone.

What will my ghost do next?

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Saturday, February 05, 2011


I'm trying hard to get back into shape. My body is so weak from the past year and a half. Three surgeries do amazing things to the strength of your core muscles. I'm going through physical therapy for my leg right now because it's so weak from the nerve damage that's occurred. I try to exercise and get my strength back, but I do a little too much and I'm down and out for a day or two. This is no fun but I want to exercise more.

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Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Snowpocalypse 2011!

I feel that the aftermath of Snowpocalypse 2011! needs both a capital S and an exclamation point, because the weathermen actually got it right today. Especially since I just opened my front door up out of curiosity and found a drift that went up almost to the window of my garage. Crap.

Luckily, I ddn't have anywhere to go today. Well, I take that back, I was supposed to go to physical therapy this morning, but they called me at 745 to cancel because the building was closed. That was nice, but then I couldn't go back to sleep. So, I got up and looked out the kitchen window, and nope, still couldn't see the stoplight up on the corner. Usually I can see it just fine. Since I was stuck in the house, I curled up on the couch with a cup of coffee, a book, and the remote with some stuff on DVR to watch and then caught up on a couple of other shows on demand.

Now, I"m still trying to unpack, but I'm getting too easily distracted by the interwebz and television (is that a shiny object?) so I turned off the TV and hit shuffle on my iPod while I'm waiting for my dad to maybe make it over today and use the behemoth of a snowblower on my driveway, either that or the mystery person who's been plowing my driveway before I moved in to come and plow it. That'd be nice. Of course, if dad gets over, then I'll have the baking powder I need to make dumplings to go with the chicken stew that I'm hungry for. Stew just sounds like a good comfort food on a cold and oh so snowy day. And maybe, just maybe, I can now go convince myself to figure out the tangle of wires on my desk and set up my PC so that I can use that as well. Maybe I'll get through another couple of boxes too.


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