Friday, July 27, 2007

The shoulder story

Years ago, as a swimmer, my shoulder would often hurt. No biggie. Ice and tiger balm seemed to fix it. Now, the past few weeks, my right shoulder feels like it's popping and grinding whenever I move my arm. It's quite painful. So it took me a week, but I got into my family doctor and as soon as he started feeling my shoulder and it did it's little popping trick, he asked if I'd ever seen an orthopedic surgeon. Referral granted, I headed into the orthopedic surgeon's office that my mom works for. He was examining my shoulder and it did it's little popping trick and he was all "What was that?" My x-ray was fine and it was suggested that back when I was swimming, that I possibly tore a muscle and when it healed, I got a build up of scar tissue around the shoulder blade and so now my shoulder blade doesn't move as smoothly as it should. So I'm now going to physical therapy.

Yesterday I had the evaluation for PT, in which the kind physical therapist yanked my arm around and took all kind of measurements and stuff, asking "Does this hurt?"

"Um no, I'm only wincing and saying 'OW' because I feel like it."

When the eval was over, the physical therapist suggested that not only was my problem muscular and that my entire back needed work strengthening, but that there was possibly a neurological problem as well, but that it couldn't be detected unless an MRI was done.

So we'll see what the next few weeks of PT brings.

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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Quote from Trudy

"Go ahead, eat his pickle." To April, referring to Joe (Trudy's boyfriend.) Yeah, I almost snorted my drink out my nose then.

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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Fun at Barnes and Noble

Karen, Kelly and I were at Barnes and Noble last night where I proceeded to spend way too much money, but on the way out we saw the product at the left and Kelly and I just got into a giggling fit over it. Please, feel free to buy me one.

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Advice from Anna

"Being single is a good thing. Don't go looking for a cabana boy. Just find someone that you can have sex with."

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Just got back from a doctor's appointment with my grandma, and YES! The tumor is shrinking!! Only two more rounds of chemo to go! The end is near!

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Saturday, July 14, 2007

Conversations with the 'rents

Dad: "You want to go to the movies now, so we can get our tickets."
Me: "Sure, just let me use the bathroom and get a bigger purse to smuggle candy in."
Mom: "Who taught you something like that?"
Me: "I don't know who taught me a diabolical trick like that."

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Thursday, July 05, 2007

Happy Independence Day!

The holiday is over now. It was weird though with it being in the middle of the week. But for the first time in three years, I got to see the finale of the Bay City Fireworks Fest. I had to miss the first two nights because of work, but that's ok because I saw them as I was driving to work. And nothing really beats crowding onto a big hill with 50,000-100,000 other people and actually feeling the fireworks launch for 45 minutes. It's absolutely amazing. The fireworks are so big that they take up the entire sky and it shakes you when they explode. There were times when fireworks were getting shot off from both sides of the river and sometimes they were shooting off so many fireworks at once that there were random fireballs in the sky. It was amazing. I love living in Bay City because the fireworks rock. Unfortunately though, the wind was blowing all the smoke and ash over the crowd and at one point I ended up with some ash in my eye, but so did Liz and her mom. And the really cool part was when one of the fireworks exploded a little low and some hot ash hit the beer tent, almost lighting it on fire.

There was also the most awful band that I've ever heard in the world playing in the beer tent (and being piped all over the park) before the fireworks. If you're ever somewhere where the band The Iconix is playing, save your eardrums the torture and leave.

That was Tuesday. I was supposed to go sailing with my aunt yesterday, but there were threats of thunderstorms so we didn't go, and instead mom and I went shopping for the clearance sales. We made out like bandits and had a good time. Then last night after a mini-bbq and went to Grandma P's house for the country club fireworks that we could barely see because the trees were getting too tall.

And now the holiday is over, so it's back to the grind.

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Tuesday, July 03, 2007

I've been tagged!

Thanks a lot T

Here are the rules:

1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.(Aside by Theresa: this is a stupid rule, but I wasn't consulted.)
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

So here's my facts.

1. I may appear confident, but I'm pretty insecure.
2. I'm totally jealous that my brother got married before I did.
3. I'd like to be more organized, but I just can't help being a bit of a slob.
4. I worry too much about the little things.
5. The Fourth of July is my favorite holiday.
6. I want to have my own sailboat someday.
7. I plan on getting an advanced degree, but I don't know what I want to be when I grow up.
8. I want to move out, but I'm scared to live on my own.

And now, the people that I'm tagging are: The Scoundrel, Sean, Jill, Lady E, Jess, Hej, The Monkey, Glen

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Monday, July 02, 2007

Words I never thought that I'd hear in the Mussell household

My dad: "I guess it would help if I read the directions."

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