Friday, October 14, 2005

Life turned upside down

Well after this weekend my life will be turned upside down for about 3 weeks. I work this weekend and then have one day to totally turn my biological sleep schedule around. I'm being sent back to days for 3 weeks to get trained in bloodbank. This is a good thing because I miss bloodbanking, but I HATE getting up that early in the morning. There's the reason that I work 2nd. Getting up at 5am is not my cup of tea. But it is only for 3 weeks. And who knows, maybe since I'm on days, I'll get to see Steve a lil more

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Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Troubles of the heart

*sigh* Why am I such a chicken? Why can't I just buck up and ask him out? I see him almost every day. I like him. A lot. We have a similar sense of humor. I just gotta get up the nerve to ask him. But I don't even know where to ask him to go

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