Peppers anyone?
So today I was at the fruit market with Grandma M since she still can't drive and I took her to get the plants for her garden. We hadn't planted ours yet either because we were waiting on a part for the rotatiller. Dad finally fixed that today. Well, while we were there everything was very picked over so I called dad and asked what he wanted for the garden. He told me 6 tomato plants and 2 things each of jalapeno and green peppers. I didn't know that he just wanted 2 jalapeno and 2 green pepper plants, I got 2 of the little containers containing 4 plants each of each type of pepper. So yeah, instead of having the 4 pepper plants that he wanted (which wouldn't have happened anways since you had to buy the peppers in sets of 4) we have 8 jalapeno and 8 green pepper plants. Peppers anyone?
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