What mystical creature are you?

You're a sexy sleak Dragon. To mess with you means
sudden death. Go here for some fun.
What Mystical Creature Are You? (pics and more)
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Navigate the waters of my life...
So, it was once again a Saturday where I had lab. Got out an hour early, which was nice, but still, it's the principle of the matter.
To whomever added me to that MSN convo earlier. Thanks. I think. I had to move it over to word to read it and it's 122 fricking pages. Sheesh.
I was on rounds about an hour ago. There was a bag of trash in the hallway. Jill knew who it belonged to. We knocked on the door 3 times. They said come in. The music was loud. The door was locked. I announced that RAs were keying in. I saw 2 people having sex. I need bleach. I told them to put some clothes on. Their door closer wouldn't work. I had to see more ass. I want a drink.
Apparently the 3rd floor of this building is a little scared of me. When I'm on rounds, I was told they're like "Amanda's coming, we'd better quiet down before getting in trouble." They know that I won't let them get away with their lil shananagains like some people will. It's not like I'm evil, I just enforce the policy and they know it. I've never really been feared before...
That's about all I can say right now. Even when I don't move I hurt. I went to the campus rock wall last night for the first time in over a year. It was a program, we took people that signed up at the desk and let them climb. And I climbed too. I can't get up any parts of the walls with artificial handholds, but the part of the wall called the Chimney, I got up with no problem. Imagine the scene from "How the Grinch stole Christmas" (the animated version) where the Grinch is going up the chimney, that's what I looked like. But it was my goal to make it all the way to the top of that part of the wall, because I've only gotten halfway up before. It's fun when you get to rattle the caribiners at the top of the wall and then to get let down and just kick off the wall. :)
Now that food has replaced sex in my life, I can't even get into my own pants.
First off I've got a cold so I'm sucking down Robitussin and hot tea like you couldn't believe. And cough drops and popsicles are my friends too.
"Hugging is healthy. It helps the body's immune system. It keeps you healthier, it cures depression, it reduces stress, it induces sleep, it's invigorating, it's rejuvenating, it has no unpleasant side effects, and hugging is nothing less than the miracle drug. Hugging is all natural. It is organic, naturally sweet, no pesticides, no preservatives, no artificial ingredients and it is a 100% wholesome. Hugging is practically perfect.There are no movable parts, no batteries to wear out, no periodic check-ups, low energy consumption, high energy yield, inflation proof, non-fattening, no monthly payments, no insurance requirements, theft-proof, nontaxable, non polluting and, of course, fully returnable.” -Unknown
I had to go to Birkham today to get a possible latex allergy checked out. So I headed down there at about 3pm, thinking that I'd be there about an hour. I sat in the waiting room for 45 minutes. That was pretty boring. So then I got called back and did the whole vitals/what brings you here today thing. Then I waited for about 15 minutes for the doctor, so we're going at like an hour and fifteen minutes now. I talk to the doctor for 5 minutes and she decides to order a lab test that has to go out to Mayo Clinic to be tested. So I wait another 15 minutes to get the blood drawn. And then as the nurse makes ANOTHER copy of my copy of my insurance card to send to the hospital and looks up what tube and stuff she needs to draw, then she processes some other specimens that were being spun down. Then she has me lay down on the table and she grabs LATEX gloves. Um hello, I'm getting a test done to be drawn for a latex allergy. I said something and she was like "Oh yeah. I'd better go grab the other gloves." So I hear her digging around for the gloves and then she comes back wearing latex free gloves. And then the nurse takes forever to find my vein and then she cleaned the site and I didn't exactly see her clean her finger but then she had to repalpate the site. Then she attempted the draw. Attempted being the key word. I felt the needle go in, no problem. Then she must have realised that she wasn't in the vein because I felt her move the needle. That hurt. She did not reposition the needle properly. She didn't end up getting enough blood so now I have to go to the hospital in the morning to get my blood drawn at the lab. And I have a bruise.
I love my hoodies. I have four of them (just from Ferris). The hoodie is the most comfortable piece of clothing next to scrubs (but that's another ode). I love snuggling up in a hoodie on a cold day, my maroon one is the most comfortable one for that (Peace, Love and GLACURH. Ferris Style). It is so easy on a day when it's cold outside to grab one of my hoodies and throw it on with a pair of jeans. You see people in them all across campus. I believe that it is the most worn article of clothing on campus. Everywhere you see people in Ferris State University hoodies. Some of these people looking more hungover than others. It is definitely the article of clothing that most people wear on Friday mornings. You can wear your hoodie with anything from fleece and pajama pants to jeans and khakis.
First off, the inspiration for this post title...
-Discussing dismemberment over a gourmet meal seems perfectly normal to you
I have 7 classes left to take next year and I will have my BS in Medical Technology. I take 5 of those classes next fall, one of which is going to be the history of the 60s online. That should be a pretty fun class. Then I have 3 clinical lab sciences classes and 1 health care administration class. So you think that since I have to take the clinical lab sciences classes and the health care administration class in THAT semester and there's only one section of each that the schedule would be pretty easy to work out, right?
I was supposed to go to Mt Pleasant to price tshirts today for ACLS. I didn't go to bed until after 2am. Kerri was supposed to go with me and she called right as my alarm went off this morning and she didn't want to go because she went to the late show with her boyfriend last night and was tired. That was fine with me. I went back to bed and didn't get up until 11:30.
So the other day as I was reading my book, I couldn't help but think about death. Now I can't make those thoughts go away.
We both lie silently still
So I've been reading about the Catholic Church a lot lately. Trying to learn more about it, because I want to know what it's all about. So now I've got this question plaguing me. Is just faith enough? The Gospels were written several generations after Jesus died. How do we know that they are accurate accounts, if they weren't written by the disciples? How do we know that it's not just folklore blown out of proportion, like what often happens with folklore? Are we following the true life of Christ, or just how people see stuff? Are the miracles that Christ preformed truly miracles? Is faith enough? Or is more proof needed?
I lost my fine nib fountain pen today. I threw it in my bookbag today because I planned on using it during stats class as I was alleviating boredom. It's somewhere between my room, the science building, the Rankin center or the business building, but I'm not going to go searching for it. I have 2 others and I can always get another fine nib pen. But I'd just put fresh ink in it last night.
Ok so I went home this weekend and I knew that it wasn't going to be the totally a great time and all because of the conversation that I was going to have to have with my parents. So yeah...