Bah to Ferris
I have 7 classes left to take next year and I will have my BS in Medical Technology. I take 5 of those classes next fall, one of which is going to be the history of the 60s online. That should be a pretty fun class. Then I have 3 clinical lab sciences classes and 1 health care administration class. So you think that since I have to take the clinical lab sciences classes and the health care administration class in THAT semester and there's only one section of each that the schedule would be pretty easy to work out, right?
Not at Ferris. Nope, one of the CLS classes and the HCA class conflict with each other. The university is going to have to do something though because I'm not waiting another year for one class. No way. I'm graduating next May. I'm going on internship next January. Then I can start paying back the $10,000+ that I owe in student loans.
People on our campus keep getting hit by the virus that's out. So in order to find out who has it and to shut them off individually, they shut off the entire campus for periods of time without notice. Why can't they do it in the middle of the night when no one is using the network? Oh wait, I know, that'd make sense and Ferris can't do anything that makes sense.
I was happy earlier when I saw that VACO was going to be at UofM in April. Then I looked in my planner. I can't go. *pouts* I have lab all day that Saturday. Stupid online class. Why couldn't the university have picked any other weekend for us to be stuck in lab?
Ah well, I did happen to run across Survivor's Quest today as I was out getting my dad a birthday card. I think I know where I'm going in Big Rapids to get my books now. Southland Pharmacy. They've got a Hallmark and nice book section. This town isn't that bad after all
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