That's about all I can say right now. Even when I don't move I hurt. I went to the campus rock wall last night for the first time in over a year. It was a program, we took people that signed up at the desk and let them climb. And I climbed too. I can't get up any parts of the walls with artificial handholds, but the part of the wall called the Chimney, I got up with no problem. Imagine the scene from "How the Grinch stole Christmas" (the animated version) where the Grinch is going up the chimney, that's what I looked like. But it was my goal to make it all the way to the top of that part of the wall, because I've only gotten halfway up before. It's fun when you get to rattle the caribiners at the top of the wall and then to get let down and just kick off the wall. :)
Today's the first day of Lent. This year I'm giving up ice cream. So no ice cream for me for 40 days. I'd rather give up homework and studying, but oh well...
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