Crap crap crap. Ok I was all set for a hemostasis exam on Wednesday. I thought it was just going to be the last half of the material. Nope. I find out today that it's cumulative. Crap. I'm so screwed.
Sail away with me
Navigate the waters of my life...
Monday, June 30, 2003
Ok, if I would have known that my "quiz" this morning was going to focus on lipids and bilirubin, I would have focused on those a lot more then I did when I was studying (those also happen to be the two reading assignments that I didn't get done). I even went back and studied the glucose measurements and there wasn't a single question about glucose on the "quiz" and maybe one on NPN's. Grrr.
Sunday, June 29, 2003
Today has started off real great. Got up and went to church, yeah it's all good. I'd thought that we'd reverted back to Ordinary Time this week. Nope. It was the Feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul. Ok cool. I can handle that. Oh yeah, and we had the priest from the other Catholic Church in Big Rapids, and I think this was his last Mass before retirement. So I'm sitting there all geared up to pay attention. I just lost that vibe pretty quickly. The readings didn't go together for me, the sermon was uninspiring, it was just bad. I think the music inspired me more today then the Word, and that's not right. Then during the Eucharistic blessing, I was getting my kneeler down (using my left foot) and I whacked my right shin with it. That's gonna leave a mark. I hope that the rest of the day goes better.
Saturday, June 28, 2003
Have you ever really had the need to be held by someone? I sure do right now. I just want someone that I can cuddle with, just someone to hug. Someone to curl up on the couch with and just do the simple things like listen to music or watch a movie together. I just want to feel someone's arms wrapped around me. To feel their love for me. To share a special moment. I need to be held...
Blah blah blah.
That's how I'm feeling right now. I have 4 tests next week. That means studying tomorrow. Not cool. I'm sick of school already and I'm going to be in it for about 10 more years. Blah blah blah.
Thursday, June 26, 2003
2 songs have been in my mind lately. Best I'll Ever Be and Life Got In The Way. Both of them kind of describe what's been going through my mind lately. Life always seems to get in the way when there's that special little thing that you want to do. Yeah. My mind has just been out there lately. Way out there.
Wednesday, June 25, 2003
*sigh* There's something real special about a new relationship. Ever since Mark told me that he felt something between us, I've had a different view on things. He's great. I've known him for about two years, and he's been there for me for a lot of things. I wish that I got to talk to him more often. I would give anything to spend a weekend with him, just getting to know him better. A weekend for the two of us. Then maybe I could say the things that I just don't know how to get out. They just get stuck during the brief times that we have together.
Class: Immunology
Time: 1pm
Mood of class: Silly and sarcastic
I now think that we need tshirts for our summer class. Ferris State University Clinical Lab Sciences Summer 2003 "Sarcasm, just one more service that we order."
Everyone was just running high on the stuff today. That and the innuendo was flowing during lecture. Who ever knew that cytokines could be such an interesting discussion.
Then we went upstairs for lab. In the mood that we were in, pregnancy testing was not exactly the safest topic, but that's what we did. So we got to hear all about the birds and the bees on the cellular level. And there were only 2 guys in the entire class. One student, the other the prof.
Fun stuff.
Monday, June 23, 2003
Wow, am I lucky. I was plotting my control data for an albumin test today on a Levy-Jennings chart and thought a Westguard QC Rule had been violated, so I went through the Westguard flow chary and sure enough, it appeared that the 10X rule had been broken (10 consecutive values on one side of the mean). Damn. That means troubleshooting, and had it been in a real lab, my patient data wouldn't have been any good because I was the 10th value. However, when I started looking at the data with my instructor, 2 of the values were directly on the mean. Yes! That meant that I was still in control! No troubleshooting.
I'm really starting to get amazed on how much I can go on so little sleep. Last night's magic number was 4.5 hours. Yep, that's right, a whole four and a half hours. Then a full day of class. 8am-5:30pm. And I made it. Ok, so I looked a little dead in Clinical Chemistry this morning, but I stayed awake. It was just really tempting to stay in bed in the morning instead of getting up, but *shrugs* it has to be done. Besides, the sun is actually rising before 6am, and it shines right into my room. My alarm goes off in the morning and I don't really have that much of a choice. That's life.
And now for today's cute email of the day:
The Bible, in 50 words
God made
Adam bit
Noah arked
Abraham split
Joseph ruled
Jacob fooled
Bush talked
Moses balked
Pharaoh plagued
People walked
Sea divided
Tablets guided
Promise landed
Saul freaked
David peeked
Prophets warned
Jesus born
God walked
Love talked
Anger crucified
Hope died
Love rose
Spirit flamed
Word spread
God remained.
Insomnia bites the big one. Yes it does. I was talking to my mom tonight and she said something about maybe "summer insomnia" She apparently saw it in a magazine article. She's going to tell me more once she reads it thouroughly.
Hockey girls sure are interesting. One of them even brought a mini fridge with her. They're seriously setting up their rooms like they're gonna be here all summer, not one week. Sheesh.
Sunday, June 22, 2003
Yes! I have girls this week for camps! They'll be much better behaved then boys! Woohoo! *does a happy dance*
Ok now that that's out of my system. I think I'm doing everything possible to not study and do homework today. It's just so nice. So far I've taken a short nap (being wide awake until 3:00am and getting up for church does that to you), worked on my laundry, taken my garbage out, answered some questions over in BAC at, and had a yogurt break. At least my books are out now. I did have them put away before. That's a step in the right direction.
Church was pretty cool today. We celebrated Mass with a newly ordained Priest, Fr. Phil, who went to the Seminary from our church here in Big Rapids. We also have 3 other parish members going to the Seminary. Very cool.
Blah, better go study. Won't have time tonight.
Saturday, June 21, 2003
Ugh. I feel like crap today. I was going to go and swim at the pool today too but my stomach is all over. Grrr. I can't even think of food and I really haven't eaten in a while. Ugh. I think I'm going back to bed.
Friday, June 20, 2003
Ahhh the first camp is done. I can now enjoy 48 hours of peace. Then the cycle starts again on Sunday.
I could get real used to this 3 day weekend thing. I'm just wondering why on earth I signed up to work 7p-12a on Thursday nights then 8a-11a on Friday mornings. It sucks.
Thursday, June 19, 2003
OMG! Sister Hazel is the best concert ever to go to! I had the best time. Wow. I now have an autographed copy of Chasing Daylight. Now, do I need to buy another copy of the CD so nothing happens to the autographed one?
Tuesday, June 17, 2003
Here's a cute story from my mom. About a week and a half ago, I was down in Ann Arbor visiting my cousin, who had just had neurosurgery. His older brother, Mikey, was staying with his Grandma and Grandpa, my Aunt and Uncle. Well apparently Mikey had just woken up from his nap and started asking "Where's Amanda?" He was asking for me and I hadn't seen him since Easter. I think it makes my Aunt mad because Mikey and I just have this bond. I'm one of the few people that he acutally will sit down for. Ever since he was a baby, he would always sit good in my arms while I read to him. Now he's just a holy terror. But it was still a cute story.
24 hours to Sister Hazel!
Monday, June 16, 2003
Wow. Hockey camp is interesting. Yesterday 3 of us counselors went to the meeting with the campers and coaches. Now you have to understand that we're an all female staff with all male campers, and it was dang hot, so we all had skirts on. And these skirts were longer than the shorts that most pf us wear. So we're at the meeting and as we're getting introduced, the campers are all whistling at us. These are high school students! We're in college. Talk about illegal.
These campers are interesting. They're horny high school students. I don't know how many of them asked me if they could have my rooms. I don't think so!
Going to Sister Hazel concert Wednesday night. I can't wait!
Saturday, June 14, 2003
Gotta love Michigan. Wait, no you don't. The weather has gone from rainy and 50s to sunny and pushing 90 almost instantly. It's a nice day out and I really don't want to be cooped up inside, so I took some studying outside to do and I didn't even spend an hour out there but it's so kriffing hot out there. Even with a water bottle I was baking. Damn Michigan. I even tried to go rollerblading earlier. That lasted not even 5 minutes before I realized that I'd probably end up killing myself somewhere. So that stopped rather quickly.
Note to self: Never get 2 weeks behind in clincal chemistry reading again. NEVER
Ahhh Friday in Big Rapids. THEY SUCK! I was so bored today. I spent 2 hours forwarding snail mail tonight that needed to get sent back. The last piece of mail that I went to forward really freaked me out because the computer database popped up saying "Student is deceased" Yeah... So I got new mail labels on all of that and off that went to the post office.
Then I went to Wal-Mart. Oh Wally World, how I love thee. I managed to get Shatterpoint, the SW novel about Mace Windu for $17. Yay for cheap hardcovers. Especially since I have to renew my reader's advantage card next time I go home. I still have to get my hands on the rest of the Xenogenesis trilogy by Octavia Butler. It's not SW but I read the first book in my sci fi class and it kicked ass. It's just really hard to find anything by her in bookstores. I guess when she first started writing, the guy in charge of Waldenbooks wouldn't sell anything by her. Ah well, I'll be going through anyways.
Thursday, June 12, 2003
Ok for everyone who sees me on MSN messenger, here is the story behind Yodewok...
Last night I was in NM and PM's place, as was my usual custom for the night and Beth, EPW, K and I were hanging out and chatting. I was giving EPW some friendly advice and said "You still have much to learn young one." I was the oldest person there at the time. I'm also a Hyperspace member, which means that I have an avatar and I picked an Ewok avatar. Well since I sounded a bit Yodaish or something along the lines, K shot back at me with "Thank you very much Yodewok." And so Yodewok was born.
First camp starts on Sunday. Yay! But now my life will be 1000X more hectic. Joy.
I didn't fail my coagulation test either! Yay! I should have spent more time studying for it though, but Rick McCallum was too tempting. Gotta start managing the time better. I just have to.
It's finally semi-decent weather outside. I think I'm going to go strap on the rollerblades for a while...
Made it look a little better on here today. I downloaded photoshop so that I can mess with the background a little more. Luckily Beeurd is cool about hosting pics for me. :D
Kinda boring day. Had a test. Got grade back from other test. Now I've just been hanging out and mainly talking to K, EPW and Beth tonight. It's been a slow night, but nice. Now if only I could get some more sleep...
Tuesday, June 10, 2003
Oh yeah and here's my great story from today. Got back from clin chem at 9 and layed down for an hour or so. However, about a half hour into my attempt to catch up on some sleep that I've lost, the tornado siren went off!! Scared the Sith out of me! Usually the siren gets tested on the 1st Sunday of the month at 1pm, and the weather wasn't really that great, so I thought it was real, so as I'm in the bathroom listening to the radio for info on an all clear, I find out that it was just a civil defense test! GRRR!!
This not sleeping thing is getting old fast. 4.5 hours last night. Class all day. Uh yeah. Brain not really functioning. And now I'm going to overhaul this place. It's gonna look sweet though. I'm sick of everyone commenting on the cat background, which is real cool but the new background is better. :D I went and worked out earlier tonight, my theory is 1: It's good for me. 2: If I beat my body up enough during the day, maybe I'll sleep at night. Next time you see this site, it'll have a fresh new look.
Well the weekend was good. Went down to the Riverwalk on Friday night with my mom, that was nice. I haven't had a chance to spend much time with my mom lately. We spent a good hour down there. Boy I miss all the water at home. Big Rapids is just not wet enough for me.
Went down to CS Mott Children's Hospital in Ann Arbor on Saturday. My cousin had surgery on Friday and he was doing very well. My one aunt came with us and I was really surprised because she NEVER does anything family oriented voluntarily so I was really surprised when she wanted to go. Of course I'm glad she went because she drove her Blazer and I didn't have to sit in the back seat of the Bug, or the Death Machine as I affectionately call it when I'm strapped into the back seat.
Went to Church on Sunday morning and for Pentecost I wasn't really impressed with Mass, especially after staying up til 2am the night before talking about the Holy Spirit. Got into a big discussion last night about religion and Christianity in general. I've got a lot of thinking ahead of me.
Had a real fun time in lab today. Screwed up an APTT just a few times. I think the fibrometer hated me today because it was acting very funky. It's been a long day and I have an exam tomorrow and Wednesday. Oh and when will this light bout of insomnia go away??
Friday, June 06, 2003
Damn! Did something last night that had bad results and made a friend mad at me. I violated their trust. Damn! Why didn't I think? I hope everything works out now. :(
Went to the ropes course this morning, that was fun. It is so hard to balance on aircraft wire. My feet are still sore from that but it was a good time, even though even after a shower I can still smell the faint smell of bug spray on me.
I'm heading home for the weekend in a little while. Going to Ann Arbor and the University of Michigan Hospital tomorrow because my 6 month old cousin is having neurosurgery. Everyone please keep little Matthew in your prayers, if you pray. I'm just glad to be going home because it gets real boring here on summer weekends.
I think I'm coming down with insomnia. I slept for about 4 hours last night. Yay for me! Now I have a 2 hour drive ahead of me. I better get my stuff together quickly and stop at the coffee shop on campus on my way out of town. Have a good and safe weekend everyone!
Wednesday, June 04, 2003
Figured out the financial aid mess that I had. That was good. Had a test and a quiz today by the same professor in 2 different classes. That was very very evil! My brain is fried. Got out of poli sci 2.5 hours early again. That's an interesting class. My life seems really boring right now. Maybe that's because it is, but I know that it'll pick up once camps start on the 15th.
Monday, June 02, 2003
What a long day. Class from 8-5, with an hour for lunch thrown in there. Did another manual platelet count today. I hate those. It's been 5 lectures and I know more about platelets then I've ever cared to know. Got through the first clinical chemistry lab without a problem. Pippetted for an hour, how exciting. I can't wait to start being able to use the machines.
Convinced myself to go to the gym tonight. I think my legs are dead now. I did a half hour of ellipticals and then did some leg presses, 1 set of 15 @ 50lbs, but that was too light so then I did 2 sets of 15 @ 100 lbs and that felt better. Now to get into a schedule of going to the gym.
Sunday, June 01, 2003
Another interesting day. :) Went to Church tonight and it was so good to be back at St. Paul's. I felt like I was coming home again. I got a feeling when I was at church that I should get more involved and then the Gospel confirmed it for me since it is the duty of all those baptised to spread the teachings of the Lord. Now I just need to talk to Father Wayne, and get myself more involved today. My cousin Matthew was baptised this morning, wish I could have been there for it. My mom said that they had an anointing of the sick for him after Mass since he is having major surgey on Saturday. I think I'm going to go home to be with my family this weekend. Also had an interesting chat at the Place tonight about how you can tell what your chosen path with the Lord is. It's made me think, and I do believe that I am doing what the Lord wants me to do.
Class all day tomorrow, literally. 3 quizzes this week. 1 report due. Yeah, I'm going to be busy. If anyone finds my exhausted body anywhere, please send me off to bed.