Thursday, June 12, 2003

Ok for everyone who sees me on MSN messenger, here is the story behind Yodewok...

Last night I was in NM and PM's place, as was my usual custom for the night and Beth, EPW, K and I were hanging out and chatting. I was giving EPW some friendly advice and said "You still have much to learn young one." I was the oldest person there at the time. I'm also a Hyperspace member, which means that I have an avatar and I picked an Ewok avatar. Well since I sounded a bit Yodaish or something along the lines, K shot back at me with "Thank you very much Yodewok." And so Yodewok was born.

First camp starts on Sunday. Yay! But now my life will be 1000X more hectic. Joy.

I didn't fail my coagulation test either! Yay! I should have spent more time studying for it though, but Rick McCallum was too tempting. Gotta start managing the time better. I just have to.

It's finally semi-decent weather outside. I think I'm going to go strap on the rollerblades for a while...


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