Thursday, September 27, 2007

Happy 27th Anniversary Mom and Dad

Two years ago I was running around frantically trying to organize a surprise party behind their backs. This year dad's got an exam, so the anniversary will once again be celebrated after the day. I love you guys and here's to 27 (at least) more years (if you don't kill each other first :-p)

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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Shock and awe

My parents are in Ohio visiting Uncle Al and Joyce and finally, 5 years later, celebrating Uncle Al and Joyce's marriage. So here I am home alone. So I did what someone with a slim grip on sanity does when left home alone. I cleaned. I've done the dishes, gotta unload and reload the dishwasher again so that there's an empty sink when they come home, I've cleaned my room (that's really gonna shock the parents because they've been on my case for months to clean it) and when I got my room done I vacuumed not only my room but the half of the living room that isn't covered in samples of carpet.

Too bad that I'll be sleeping when they get home tomorrow.

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Thursday, September 13, 2007

The shoulder saga continues

I went back to the orthopedic surgeon today about my shoulder, because even though I've completed physical therapy and the pain is less, my shoulder is still popping all the time. So I was barely there 5 minutes when I left with orders for an MRI and arthrogram. Yay. Now if I've got torn cartilage in there at all, I'll need surgery to take it out.

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Monday, September 10, 2007

Computer havoc

Sometimes I just love my desktop computer. I was uploading my pictures from the family reunion when I was having computer issues and decided to reboot it. So I thought that would fix things because it hadn't been rebooted in a while. Was I ever wrong.

I got stuck in an endless reboot loop.

I tried a system restore.

It didn't work.

I pulled the hard drive and pulled the pictures off of it and saved them. Then I tried to reformat.


The drive wouldn't recognize the Windows XP cd. I'd known for a while that my CD-Rom drive was going bad, so I made a trip to Staples and bought a new drive.

Had my dad install it and he tried to install Windows XP again. Still nothing. So we pulled the hard drive again and formatted it from my dad's computer. Another trip to Staples for some different hardware, to make a return, and Windows XP. We get home, install the hardware, go to open Windows XP and the seal has been broken. Back to Staples to return it and get a copy where the seal isn't broken. Finally, my dad spent a couple of hours of doing installs while I went to work. Finally, I have a working desktop again so I can do my photo editing again. Yay!

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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Why some animals eat their young

Last night my parents and I went to A&W for some coney dogs and we decided to eat inside (which was nice because the backseat of the bug has no room) and a mom and her son were there because they'd ridden their bikes. Well, I thought that my cousin Michael was Satan incarnate. Was I ever wrong. This child blows Michael away in that category. Demon Spawn was yelling that he wanted Mountain Dew and Sprite which they didn't have. He was hitting and pinching his mom, had no clue what an inside voice was and everything was all "WHAT THE HECK?" instead of asking politely what something was. My dad even tried to get him to shut up because he slipped into bus driver mode. Man. I never would have behaved that way in public, I would've paid for it.

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Saturday, September 01, 2007


Why is it when I slept all day today, that I never felt like I really woke up?

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