Friday, December 29, 2006

More stomach woes

It continues. I went back to the doctor this morning and my lack of normal flora appears to be what is making me have these issues. I've gotta eat that nasty Dannon Activia yogurt with extra bacteria in it. I also have a prescription for an anti-cramping drug to help with the pain and I'm getting referred to a gastroenterologist. Hopefully things will clear up soon.

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Saturday, December 23, 2006

Nothing like making things more complicated

Well, during my trip to ER a couple of weeks ago, my mom found out a certain fact about my personal life that I wasn't ready for her to find out and it has made things a little uncomfortable between us at times. It wasn't bad enough that she wanted to meet S before hand but now she's really chomping at the bit to meet him and pestering me about all sorts of details. She's accusing me of hiding things from her and such.

Why did I have to make my life so much more complicated?

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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

My experience with ultrasound...

Yesterday I had my abdominal and pelvic ultrasounds that my doctor's office ordered. This was after waiting a week to get in and then having it rescheduled after they added on the pelvic after the abdominal. So I had to get up at the butt crack of dawn (alarm went off at 6 and I dragged myself outta bed around 7) so that I could guzzle 40 oz of water. Now mind you, I don't normally even drink 20 oz of water at a time, so 40 was a real torture. I get to my appointment on time and luckily they're running on schedule which is really good because I REALLY have to pee. So the ultrasound tech, who's about my age, starts with the pelvic ultrasound because that requires a full bladder and she manages to press down on my bladder a lil more often than I though was necessary, but I survived.

Imagine my surprise though when I find out that not only was it abdominal and pelvic, but also transvaginal. The tech told me that the wand was the size of a tampon. I wanna know what size tampons that she uses because that wasn't like an tampon that I've experienced. That thing was uncomfortable. I never want to experience that again.

Then there was the abdominal ultrasound in which I had to breathe very deeply and hold it many many times. That was fun.

But I don't know much right now. All I saw was her taking a bunch of measurements on my left side. I'm gonna call the doc in the morning and see if they have any results yet.

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Sunday, December 17, 2006

Figured it out

I think that I finally figured out what was wrong with me! I happened to look up the side effects of a drug that I'm on, and wouldn't you know, all the side effects were my symptoms. Isn't it great when the cure if worse than the problem?

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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

A second post about poop

Well, the results of my stool culture are in, and it's not what I expected. I was expecting a normal stool culture and instead, I find out that I'm missing some of my normal flora. Good old antibiotics that I've been on. Joy

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Monday, December 11, 2006

A post about poop

As some of you may know, I've been having some stomach issues lately. Thursday and Friday I'd thrown up, Thursday tossed some pooping in there (which had been a problem for about a week, being soft and I'd been really gassy). So Friday I went to the doctor and saw the nurse practitioner who is worried about my abdominal pain possibly being gall bladder related since I'd been in for stomach pain and nausea before and therefore ordered an abdominal ultrasound the following Friday and then gave me lab orders to collect a stool sample to test to see if maybe the food poisoning that I had a couple of weeks ago was maybe hanging on. So I left the office with the nice collection kit in a bag that you can't see through and I go home to hopefully collect a sample before I go to work for the day so that I can take the sample with me.

Unfortunately, my bowel said that wasn't to be. I didn't think that it was that big of a deal because I'd done some major puking the day before and had only eaten some ramen and an apple. So I went to work and got my work done but was still having abdominal pain. Then I came home and took a Motrin 800 and then that did absolutely nothing for the sharp pains that I was having so I took a vicoden on top of that. Knocked me out and I stayed out through the next morning. In fact, I think that I was still drugged when my mom woke me up the next morning to go gift wrapping for church.

I felt ok Saturday morning. I had a bottle of juice while wrapping gifts and took a motrin because I was having some pains. And they were ok. I went with my friends to get Brandon Inge's autograph on a baseball for my uncle for Christmas. I felt good. We went to Wendy's and I had a frescatta sandwich and a side salad. Went home to go to church and during church my stomach started hurting. I was having sharp pains and having issues standing up. Got home from church and I tried to poop because I felt like I had to poop but I couldn't. So I put on comfy pants and farted a few times and took a short nap and all was well. Mom and I went to JoAnn's and I got my embossing table that I wanted. Stopped at Fazoli's and I got a sampler platter to bring home. I ate about half of it and put the rest in the fridge. I was messing around on the net and my stomach started hurting again. And it was hurting bad. My mom told me to go take a vicoden so I did and she changed into her comfy fleece nightshirt. She just got comfortable on the couch when I realized that nothing was getting better and that I needed to go to the hospital. So we get ready and go and since I work at a hospital, I have to use that hospital, instead of the one that's 10 minutes away. So as she's speeding down I-75 to Covenant, I'm sitting in the passenger seat balled up in pain and crying at times. It hurt so badly. But mom was joking on the way that I just had to wait until she had her bra off to decide that I needed to go to the hospital. I, being myself, said that's what caused it.

When I walked into the Emergency Room I was so grateful to see a former teammate of mine from highschool as the triage nurse and she helped get me through before the 6 other people that were sitting in the ER (Thank you Becky!). But while we were waiting for a room to open up (It's midnight now) my mom suddenly gets the bright idea that I'm constipated since I haven't pooped since Thursday and that she should have given me an enema at home. I'm more worried about appendix or gall bladder. Even though some of the pain is on the left side and not just the right. And the damn vicoden isn't working, I'm still in pain. I get back into the exam room and dressed in the oh so sexy hospital gown (I'm so glad though that it did cover my ass thanks to the way that it tied, that made it better) and under the sheet. The doctor comes in and asks some questions and says that I don't look sick and so she thinks that I'm constipated so we'll do an abdominal x-ray, pelvic exam and UA. Joy.

Three hours later after being scanned, prodded and peeing in a cup...

The diagnosis is in...

I'm full of shit.

Of course the doctor didn't tell me this because I'd been in the exam room for two hours and had to pee really badly so as soon as I go to the bathroom, the doctor comes back in and tells my mom that all my tests were normal and that I'm just full of stool and so she's going to prescribe some magnesium citrate for me.

So I get discharged and we get home at 3:30 and I don't fall asleep until after 4:30. And mom and I were supposed to go Christmas shopping Sunday with Grandma P. Well, we woke up in time to go shopping with her, just a bit later than expected. So before I get in the shower, the four fiber pills that I'd taken the night before kicked in and so I got out the lil hat for the toilet and managed to collect a sample to take in. Hooray! And then before we left, I pooped again. And it felt good.

But they were little poops and I was still full of it. So we stopped at Big Apple Bagels for me to get a mocha and we figured that coffee and walking around the mall would help.

It didn't.

We went to Applebee's for dinner with grandma and I ordered a side salad and a chicken fajita rollup thinking that'd get things moving.

All that it did was upset my stomach and when we got back to grandma's house, all I did was fart a few times.

And fart was all that I did last night.

So finally this morning I have pooped twice! And it feels good!

I'm not full of shit anymore!

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Monday, December 04, 2006

Four and a halfish years of blogging: Recap of months 1-6

I was looking through the archives on this blog last night and noticed how much blog posts have changed. So without further ado, here's the first six months of four and a halfish years of blogging

Month One:
1. I mean shrinkage time.
2. Oatmeal tasted a little like dishwashing soap.
3. Then there was biology. I have not once paid attention in that class. Today for example we were talking about reproduction, let's see I've already had sex ed in high school, human anatomy and physiology, AND human sexuality. How much more about the reproductive system do I need to know?
4. I had the weirdest dream last night, I really don't remember much of it but I think I was a fish in a fish tank mounted to the wall.

Month two:
1. I think that secretly my legs glow in the dark at night I'm so white.
2.The subject of sprinkling came up and KT countered against it saying that if you throw a cat into the backyard and sprinkle some dirt over it, is it buried? (We were talking of the meaning of the word baptism then).
3. I have NO idea where my portable CD player is, so I need something to help me tune out my Aunts, Grandma and Dad.
4. I need to do laundry too, the pile is starting to come alive.

Only 12 more hours of duty. I can make it. Well let's see since Wednesday, I've been to bed before 3am once. What a weekend, I really felt like an underpaid babysitter this weekend. Even the campus police say that we don't get paid enough to put up with the stuff that we do. I so agree with that. I'll take a pay raise.
6. I haven't confiscated that much alcohol in a long time. Seeing all that alcohol getting poured down the toilet was sad though... bye bye Smirnoff Ice. *sniff* I can't wait for this weekend to be over. Seriously. We've had officers in the building so many times.
7. Well let's see, at 12:15ish I told KT I'd be right back cuz I had to go on rounds. Two hours later I get back to my room. We knock on the door of a room cuz they were being loud. Wow could you smell the weed in that room. So we ask them to quiet down (there was about 20-25 people crammed in a 11X14 room) and of course they don't. So I go and get another RA and the Assistant Hall Director and we go back up there and call DPS. Well two officers show up and we start tackling that room. We hear something in the other room in the suite so we go in and look around (now as RA's we can't open any drawers or cupboards) and don't see anything but we leave the door propped and chain the bathroom door shut. So now there's 2 officers, 4 RA's and the AHD dealing with this issue. Well a few minutes later, we hear a sound in the other room and hey, look at this there's someone hiding in one of the wardrobes. So we get one of the officers to deal with him. Ok cool, everyone but the one resident leaves and the room gets searched. At this time a 3rd officer shows up and asks us all if we were getting a contact high. Well we go looking around a little in the other room and hey guess what, we've got someone else crammed up in the other wardrobe. Well turns out there was a warrant out for his arrest. So he leaves in handcuffs. At this time the resident that lives in the room where the people were hiding come back into the building. Wonders what's going on, makes a pain out of himself. Well then HIS roommate comes back holding something under his shirt. Sees Officers. Turns and leaves. Gets chased down. Gets MIP (Minor in Possession of Alcohol... you should have seen the bottle of Vodka that he had). Ok cool. So just when we think we're done we have to go down to another room where there's someone who appparently had "food poisoning" and was vomiting. It was liquid vomit. Ewwww. So yeah we take care of that. Finally, we kick this guy out of the building twice. He should have been arrested. Yeah so that was my last 2 hours. I want a drink.
8.It was also great hearing the Dean of Students and Director of Housing say that the fire safety program that I'm putting together for next year was the best written program that she had seen that had applied for funds from SAPC.

Month three:
1. I need to be held...
2. I'm really starting to get amazed on how much I can go on so little sleep.
3.OMG! Sister Hazel is the best concert ever to go to! I had the best time.
4. These campers are interesting. They're horny high school students. I don't know how many of them asked me if they could have my rooms. I don't think so!
5. I even tried to go rollerblading earlier. That lasted not even 5 minutes before I realized that I'd probably end up killing myself somewhere.
6. "Thank you very much Yodewok."
7. I didn't have to sit in the back seat of the Bug, or the Death Machine as I affectionately call it when I'm strapped into the back seat.
8. If anyone finds my exhausted body anywhere, please send me off to bed.

Month four
1. Why do people confuse me with Kaelis? Seriously. I make one little comment because a thread is turning into a raging hormone droolfest over certain actors and I get called Kaelis. Jeez. No offense Kaelis
2. Insert the string of profanity of your choice here, and make it good.
3. Is it just me or are the newbies at getting weirder? One of them tonight barely had been online for an hour and he was asking me if I was a virgin.
4.I feel so blah. Like life is passing me by and I'm just going through the motions. I don't like it. I want to live. I want to be free and experience life!
5. Ok so maybe I shouldn't have picked the BROWN urine
6. I had left my umbrella in my room this morning and had happened to pick out a white tshirt to wear today.
7. Ok someone please remind me why it's illegal to chain children to their beds. These campers are awful. They deserve to be chained up at night, as soon as they get back from the arena. Who cares that they paid $500 for camp. And what is the fasination that boys have with fecal material. Why did they have to smear it on a door? Why last night? Why couldn't this prank have waited until I wasn't on duty? Can I kill campers?
8. So anyways, the other day I was wondering why my butt was a little sore. I didn't really know why it was hurting
9. The fireworks were awesome. Makes me proud to be an American, we can blow stuff up just for the hell of it.
10. Felt like I'd walked 5 miles the night before, oh wait, I did.
11. I hereby think it's impossible to have immunology not to be sexual. We were being instructed on how to do a particular mount with a mounting media and our prof just happened to mention that the media was slightly viscous. Somehow, the subject of KY jelly was brought up. Mind you, we're a class of 8 females, 1 male and our male prof. I don't know if our prof is going to survive the summer with us. Especially when people started talking about the different kinds of KY. I was laughing so hard that I was just about crying. Since we were doing anti-nuclear antibody test, we had to go into a dark room and look at the slides under a fluorescent microscope. Since this was our first time doing fluorescent microscopy our prof was looking at the slides under the scope with us (it had two heads) and he told us, "Ok to look at the slides we're going to do this one at a time since I can't handle all of you at once." That caused us to laugh even more. I haven't laughed that long in a long time.

Then as I was leaving lab and going downstairs to hang my lab coat, change back into sandals, and grab my bookbag I ended up behind two female faculty members. Apparently one of them had her husband cooking filet minon at home. The other one said that he probably wanted something and the first one replied that she probably would deliver and then something about delivering once a year whether she wanted to or not. Then they realized that I was behind them and laughed and said that they probably shouldn't talk that way with a student around. I almost felt like telling them, "this is nothing compared to what was just discussed in my lab."
12. I didn't get woken up by Mr. Vomit again last night, that's a good thing

Month five
1. There's nothing like getting up, checking your email for any notices about class being cancelled and then walking across campus to class and almost getting hit by a car (when I'm in the crosswalk and have a walk light) only to find out that class is cancelled.
2. They think that I waste my money.
3. Ok the hall opens Wednesday. My peace and solitude disappears and I get tethered to the hall like a dog to its kennel
4. And once again people are associating me with K. From an aim conversation:

Slicerbladez: wheres k been recently
MASHGirl2002: he's been around
Slicerbladez: not as much as normal
MASHGirl2002: i know, but i'm not his babysitter
Slicerbladez: news to me
MASHGirl2002: gee thanks :p
5. There's something really special about intoxicated coworkers pounding on your door at 1:30am with a videocamera.
6. Where oh where did it say in the LOA that I signed last April that the housing department now owns my soul?

Month six:
1. Hooray for iron! It's my new favorite element. Seriously though, I like not having to take a nap in the middle of the day to have the energy to make it through the evening. I feel like I was missing out on a lot. It was also nice to not wake up tired after a full night's sleep. Thus are the joys of my life.
2. The guy in the electronics department was going to send me over to crafts I think if I wouldn't have mentioned the word CD after I said Jars of Clay.
3. So I thought I was going to go home next weekend and get some warmer clothes, then I looked at my schedule. I'm not going home til mid-November. I need to get some warm clothing and my heavy coat up here. It's supposed to SNOW this weekend!! *sigh*
4. I actually took a needle and stuck it through someone's skin and into their vein.
5. seeing officer hottie threaten the bulldog with handcuffs if he didn't get his hat back
6. Always cooperate with your RA's. We will find out the truth.
7. I'm bored with my life. It's the same shit all the time. Get up, go to class, come back, pass mail, rush somewhere to a meeting, go back to class, crash at night, sleep, repeat. I need a change in my life. I just don't know what.
8. Mocha at 4pm. Not a good idea, but I did it anyways. Now I'm wired. It's 1am, I have class at 8. I can't sleep. I knew better. Why oh why did I do it?
9. Why are trashy trailer parks always given names like they're the best places on earth to live?
10. I was on US10 today, heading west (back to school) when I see this real nice SUV hauling a trailer. But the trailer isn't your normal trailer, it's the mismatched back of a pickup truck, being hauled as a trailer. Yup. Only in Michigan.

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This and That

Ok so once again, I haven't updated this blog in ages so, what can I blog about?

It's Christmas time and this year I'm REALLY into the Christmas Spirit this year. And this morning in church, our priest gave us a mission, to bring Jesus back into the Christmas season. So my friends, this is how you can help to bring Jesus back into the Christmas season.

1. Under no circumstances, is it "Happy Holidays." It's Merry Christmas. Or Happy birthday Jesus. I'll also wish a Happy Hannukkah and Ramadan and Kawanzaa, but it is not Happy Holidays.

2. They're Christmas cards, so no snowmen on them. They need to have Jesus on them. And on the inside offer prayers and blessings for the Christmas season.

3. Do something to help thos less fortunate

I've accepted a job on third shift at work and will start it sometime after the new year, whenever they get a replacement for me. I'm looking forward to it because I'll get to have a slightly more normal life and everyone who will still be on third is really excited that I'm coming to the shift, which is really nice. Also, I'm going to be one of the senior techs on the shift, only one tech and the coordinator will have more senority at Covenant than I will.

And with going to third, I'm also going to be doing some extra work on procedures at work as well as going back to school to finish my minor and then get a Master's degree. I'm going to be a busy girl.

I'm also a bridesmaid in my brother's wedding next June. *sniff sniff* My lil brother is getting married before I am, but his fiancee is an awesome girl and I'm glad to be having her join our family.

And yeah, I'm an idiot. I was trying to modify a CD today and ended up corrupting the disc somehow. I lost a lot of pictures and I'm busy trying to fix it. I'm really really frustrated right now.

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