Monday, December 04, 2006

This and That

Ok so once again, I haven't updated this blog in ages so, what can I blog about?

It's Christmas time and this year I'm REALLY into the Christmas Spirit this year. And this morning in church, our priest gave us a mission, to bring Jesus back into the Christmas season. So my friends, this is how you can help to bring Jesus back into the Christmas season.

1. Under no circumstances, is it "Happy Holidays." It's Merry Christmas. Or Happy birthday Jesus. I'll also wish a Happy Hannukkah and Ramadan and Kawanzaa, but it is not Happy Holidays.

2. They're Christmas cards, so no snowmen on them. They need to have Jesus on them. And on the inside offer prayers and blessings for the Christmas season.

3. Do something to help thos less fortunate

I've accepted a job on third shift at work and will start it sometime after the new year, whenever they get a replacement for me. I'm looking forward to it because I'll get to have a slightly more normal life and everyone who will still be on third is really excited that I'm coming to the shift, which is really nice. Also, I'm going to be one of the senior techs on the shift, only one tech and the coordinator will have more senority at Covenant than I will.

And with going to third, I'm also going to be doing some extra work on procedures at work as well as going back to school to finish my minor and then get a Master's degree. I'm going to be a busy girl.

I'm also a bridesmaid in my brother's wedding next June. *sniff sniff* My lil brother is getting married before I am, but his fiancee is an awesome girl and I'm glad to be having her join our family.

And yeah, I'm an idiot. I was trying to modify a CD today and ended up corrupting the disc somehow. I lost a lot of pictures and I'm busy trying to fix it. I'm really really frustrated right now.

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