Wednesday, December 20, 2006

My experience with ultrasound...

Yesterday I had my abdominal and pelvic ultrasounds that my doctor's office ordered. This was after waiting a week to get in and then having it rescheduled after they added on the pelvic after the abdominal. So I had to get up at the butt crack of dawn (alarm went off at 6 and I dragged myself outta bed around 7) so that I could guzzle 40 oz of water. Now mind you, I don't normally even drink 20 oz of water at a time, so 40 was a real torture. I get to my appointment on time and luckily they're running on schedule which is really good because I REALLY have to pee. So the ultrasound tech, who's about my age, starts with the pelvic ultrasound because that requires a full bladder and she manages to press down on my bladder a lil more often than I though was necessary, but I survived.

Imagine my surprise though when I find out that not only was it abdominal and pelvic, but also transvaginal. The tech told me that the wand was the size of a tampon. I wanna know what size tampons that she uses because that wasn't like an tampon that I've experienced. That thing was uncomfortable. I never want to experience that again.

Then there was the abdominal ultrasound in which I had to breathe very deeply and hold it many many times. That was fun.

But I don't know much right now. All I saw was her taking a bunch of measurements on my left side. I'm gonna call the doc in the morning and see if they have any results yet.

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