Monday, February 28, 2005


As some of you know, I've been getting some interesting email's from someone that knows me from but that person doesn't post there anymore. I know that I haven't communicated with this person in a while, and the email address is totally foreign to me, but he seems familiar. At least I know that he is a he. But with how we've been going back and forth for the past few weeks, I just have to wonder why. Why not just come out and tell me who you are? Why the games? Is my confusion that fun? Or is this someone that's hurt me in the past and is just looking for some fun to hurt me again. I just don't know. Why are people like this?

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Thursday, February 24, 2005


I completed my special chemistry checklist at like 8:15 this morning, so I was told that I got the rest of the day as a study day, so I could go wherever and study, they don't really care where I go. So, I left at 8:30 and went to see my grandma, then I went to Barnes and Noble and got a new book by one of my favorite authors and indulged in a venti mocha, since I was majorly tired. Stopped by Penney's for a few minutes and now I'm home and I'm thinking that a nap sounds heavenly.

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Wednesday, February 23, 2005


I don't really have much to update here, but here goes. Had my interview yesterday, it went pretty well as far as I can tell, now I'm just playing the waiting game. I seem to be doing that a lot lately, but ah well, that's just how it goes. And I've been super freaking tired lately and I don't know why, unless it's the fact that I'm just not sleeping enough, which I'm not, but that's how it goes and I can't wait to get off of days and on to either evenings or midnights

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Sunday, February 20, 2005

Update on Grandma

Well, as we found out this week, the lesion on Grandma's lung is cancer. The fact that it's become a "hotspot" is what's the telling point that it's cancerous, now we're just waiting to find out if they're going to remove the spot (which the thoracic surgeon isn't too sure about cuz he doesn't know if they can get her off of oxygen afterwards) or if they're just going to make her Radioactive Grandma. So now we just wait, and pray...

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Thursday, February 17, 2005


I talked to Kathy (lab manager) today and she had me call HR about that tech position after she asked me if I'd applied yet and I gave my answer of waiting for it to become public and so when I called HR, they set me up with an interview for Tuesday. Now, to finish my application...

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Wednesday, February 16, 2005

How on earth?

Ok so yesterday I realized that I was having some trouble hearing, and I just thought that it was water in my ears or something like that. Well today, it moved to both ears and added some shooting pains. So on my way home, I stopped by med express and found out that I have an ear infection. I'm 21. Adults aren't supposed to get those. Grrrr.

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Friday, February 11, 2005

A good sign

Today I was doing some urine micros when our lab manager came up to me and asked if I'd applied for the 2nd shift position that's opening up yet. I told her that the posting hadn't been made public yet and I so I couldn't apply for it (since technically, I'm not an employee of Covenant Health Care). She told me that it should be available to the public tomorrow. Jeff was working with me and told me that that was a great sign and then asked me if I could handle working 8 hours as a student and then go directly into working 8 hours as a tech. I think I could handle it, but it'd be a little odd because when I'm a student I can't verify any results, but if I'm working as a tech, well then I'd have to verify results, so that would be just a wee bit odd. We'll see where it goes though

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Monday, February 07, 2005

RIP Uncle Wayne

As I blogged about last week, my mom's uncle was on his deathbed. He died at 11am yesterday, ironically, at the same time that I was praying for his suffering to be eased and for him to die peacefully. So tomorrow night is the trip to the funeral home to see him and to see the family. And then probably again on Wednesday night and then the funeral is on Thursday. I don't know if I'll be going to the funeral though, which I know it's not expected of me to go, but I still feel like I should, but I can't really miss the time away from the internship and I know that Aunt Jane will understand. Rest in peace Uncle Wayne.

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
the rain fall soft upon your fields and,
until we meet again...
May God hold you in the palm of His Hand.

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Saturday, February 05, 2005

A Look at Life

Yesterday just reminded me about the lows of what my job as a tech will mean sometimes. We had someone come into the ER on Thursday night and his white count was at 150,000, which was super high, the normal range is 4,000-11,000. The night techs did the diff and left the slide for our pathologist to look at. Dr H came in during the morning and looked at the slide and said it was a lymphoproliferative disorder and that this patient must be an existing cancer patient. Shortly after Dr H made his decision on that, the heme-oncologist came in and asked to look at the slide. Well, this was after the 2nd CBC/Diff had been ordered and this patient's white count was now close to 200,000 and he had very few platelets. The doc takes one look at the slide and diagnoses this patient with leukemia. He was a new cancer patient. And so he orders some more tests and then says that he'll call about the bone marrow. So, it's the middle of lunch when the doc calls about the bone marrow, and of course we drop everything and head up to ICU. The patient had been receiving platelets and was finally starting to stop bleeding. I felt so bad for him, especially since he was my age and now he's going to have chemo and dialysis. It reminded me how fragile life is and that you never know what to expect

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Thursday, February 03, 2005

And thus starts the job hunt

So the job opening in the lab became official today. I've talked to the lab manager and she knows that I'm interested in the position and so, as soon as I redo my resume and get all my crap together, in goes my application even though I won't be able to start til mid-May, it'll be nice to get the job hunting out of the way

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