Friday, December 14, 2007


Sometimes, even though I know it won't help, I just want to have surgery on my shoulder.

I can go weeks with very low/no pain levels. I can tolerate those with no problems. Those are the weeks that my shoulder stays where it's supposed to most of the time. It only pops when I move funny or do something that I'm not supposed to.

Then there are days like today. I woke up hurting. I have a huge knot in my shoulder. Every time I even move my hand or arm, my shoulder pops. Hell, it's so bad today that I can just turn my body and I feel my shoulder blade GRATING over something and it hurts so much. I came home from work today and went straight for the muscle relaxants and pain pills. I feel so helpless.

And all I can continue to do is do my home exercises to keep everything strong and in place so that the pain levels and popping stay minimal.

I wish that there was a way to fix this stupid thinning ligament.

I hate it.

It sucks.

All I want for Christmas is a new shoulder.

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Driving in bad weather

Tuesday there was a winter storm. One of those where everything from rain, sleet, freezing rain, and snow (good day for the postmen)hit various parts of the state, including the area that I'm in. So, being a smart winter driver, I gave myself a full 40ish minutes to get to work, instead of the usual 20 that it takes me to get there. The roads weren't bad at all. They were relatively clear and a little wet, and it had snowed pretty good all day. But of course, on my way to work, while driving down I-75, I get behind a car from FLORIDA in the MIDDLE LANE going 60mph!!! I-75 had been cleared. In fact, I could see the plows probably a couple of miles up the road, but obviously, since they were from Florida, they were so freaked out at the mere sight of snow (HELLO! MICHIGAN! DECEMBER! It SNOWS up here!), that they decided that that slow speed was acceptable. If you're going to drive that slow, that's what the right lane is for!

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Monday, December 10, 2007


I've been feeling somewhat uninspired in my writing lately. It seems that I've been following the same routine: sleep, spend some time with the family, on Wednesday's go to photography class, and work. Of course now, I'm in the holiday spirit. Saturday, mom and I did a marathon shopping session that we haven't done in a long time. We left home at 9:30am and didn't get home until 10:15 that night. Now I've got almost all my shopping done. It seems like Christmas is coming so fast, but then, I've been having trouble keeping my days and weeks straight this month. For some reason I just keep getting my days and weeks messed up. Ah well, I'm off next week, maybe that'll help me straighten out, a week where I don't have to go between being awake all night and sleeping through the night.

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