Cuz I had a bad day
Sunday was a great day. I had energy and I had my pain under control. We thought it was a turning point.
Wishful thinking. (Don't read on if you don't want to know about some bodily functions)
The way dosing turned out, I took a pain pill at 9pm. After midnight I had to go NPO for a test the next day, and that included everything but heart and blood pressure medication according to the pre-op instructions, so no pain medication. I wake up at 3:30am in pain. Can't take anything. Get some more sleep when I find a comfortable position. Wake up at 9am and can't even stand up straight. Curl up in a ball in the recliner with a heating pad on my stomach hoping for some relief. Shower, head to the hospital. Get admitted and taken back for the test. Last thing I remember is the disgusting banana taste of the throat numbing/gag reflex blocking spray then the drugs kicked in and I woke back up surrounded by my family. I felt fine.
Then the gastroenterologist walked in and said that my pain was all from the pain medication and that if I take the medicine that he prescribes for me and quit the pain medicine cold turkey (that I've been on for 6 weeks now) then I'll be fine.
I can't even fucking stand up straight without narcotics in me. There's no way that I'm stopping them. Besides, I have the same pain whether my colon is full or not, so don't give me that shit about being full of shit.
So I call my primary care physician yesterday trying to get in the same day and didn't get an appointment. I was in terrible pain last night. I even had my mom give me an enema to try to get some relief and I pooped afterwards. Some of it was like shitting bullets out. Yet no relief on the pain.
And this was with percocet in me. It was barely touching the pain. I finally fell asleep sometime around 1am but didn't really get any good sleep last night and was up at 7:44 waiting for the doctor's office to open at 8.
I called them at 8:05 and got an appointment for 2:15. Took more pain medicine and got about another hour of sleep. Got up, ate, curled up in a ball in pain. Showered. Curled up in a ball in pain crying. Dad was rubbing my back, trying to give me some relief.
Doctor's appointment time comes. He spent almost a half hour in the room talking with me and my mom about my options, family history, test results and the future.
I'm on a fentanyl patch now. Thinking that will give better relief than the vicodin because it's constant medication instead of the constant up and down of the vicodin cycle. It seems to be helping some.
Gave another urine sample at the lab because my last one had blood in it. Also got my blood drawn to have my thyroid checked since there's a history of thyroid cancer in my family and after my mom had her thyroid removed it cleared up some mystery pain for her as well. So I'm scheduled for a thyroid ultrasound on Friday.
Now I'm also getting an appointment at the pelvic pain clinic at U of M. Hopefully I'll have that appointment next week. I've been in pain for 6 weeks and I'm getting sick of it.
On the plus side, Karen, Kelly and I went and saw Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen tonight and that movie was amazing. I absolutely loved it and wished that I'd seen it when it first came out so that I could have seen it in IMAX. But it'll come out on DVD this year and Dad still wants to see it so I'll probably see it in theaters yet again. It was a good night and I enjoyed going out with friends and getting out of the house. Unfortunately I had another bout of pain walking out to the car that bent me over for a minute. Hopefully there will be less and less of these with the new medication.