Poo in the pool!

Yes, you read that right. There was poo in the pool at the hotel. And here's how it went down.
Jessica, Jill and I haven't seen each other all together in about two years so we all had some time off and decided to go to the Ramada Inn in Grand Rapids because they were adertising their new Castaway Bay, which was remodeled with a water park.
I left home about 2:45, and stopped in Birch Run to go through the Starbucks drivethrough because I needed coffee. Got myself a tall mocha and then had to go through and fix the lid on it, because they put the sip spot on the lid right on the seam of the cup, and that's something that through a few bad experiences that I've learned to check for. And then I really got on the road. I hate driving to Grand Rapids because there's no convienent way to get there. You have to go across 3 different expressways to get there, and it's a pretty boring drive.
So I got to Grand Rapids and when I pulled into the parking lot, Jill and Jessica were walking out of the hotel and waiting for me. And it's a good thing that Jessica had gotten there early, because there was a problem with our reservation and instead of getting two double beds, we ended up with a king sized bed and a sleeper sofa. So we hung out in the room for a while and talked and looked at the pictures that Jess took on her cruise to the Islands over Christmas.

We decided to go to the Olive Garden to eat and after that, we went back up to our room. We chilled up in our room until we digested our food and it was about 7:30 at this time and we headed down to the pool to soak in the hot tub. That's when we found out the joyous news of the night.
Someone pooped in the pool!

They were in the process of cleaning it up and we only needed to wait about 10 more minutes, but still...
We waited until people were back in the pool and we'd seen the hotel manager come back from testing the pool chemicals before we went and got in the hot tub. We soaked in there for a while and then went down the water slide a few times. Then I saw the pregnant chick. She had to be about 6 months pregnant and was going down the water slide. Then I saw her in the hot tub. And she was complaining that her doctor was no longer going to see her. Gee, I wonder why?
Aftere we were pooled out, we headed back up to the room and decided to head out for ice cream.

After we all showered and got changed, we headed out to Coldstone Creamery! It was my first time going there, and I have to say, it was heavenly.

Mud pie mojo was awesome. Coffee ice cream, peanut butter, oreo cookies, chocolate, and almonds. I thought that Ashby's ice cream is awesome, but this is better.
After we got our ice cream fix, we went back to the hotel and just talked, surfed the web looking for people that we worked with and went to school with. That was fun, but sad in a way too when we saw how some peoples lives have changed, and not always for the better.
It was superfun, all of us being together, but it was not long enough. Time goes by too shortly at these things. But we're planning another trip again, next time to Great Wolf Lodge. Hopefully there, no one will poo in the pool.