On being a shoe junkie

Kelly and I went to Saginaw today on a mission. Well, I was on a mission for a new shoe rack for my closet because the shelf that I was using didn't like me standing on it too well with the mountain of other junk in my closet. And as I happened to see Kelly online this morning as I was having a cup of coffee, I hit her up for a shopping trip for a new shoe rack.
Target: Bed, Bath & Beyond
Mission: Shoe Rack
They had the 25 hole shoe cubby, made out of the same cheap pressboard that the current shelf that I was using was made of for $50. I think not. Then, with a little more looking around I found it. A nice 10 shelf rack that holds 30 pairs of shoes. Ok, maybe it's not enough space for me and maybe I should have gotten two of them to hold the 60+ pairs of shoes and sandals that I have, but I figure that I can always double up on the sandals.
Our next stop was the mall. I wanted to go to Payless to see if you could order dyeable shoes yet because Liz wants us to have dyeables for the wedding to match our dresses. And they did have the new spring shoes in, and I picked out a pair that I like, just have to wait for Liz to see if that's the one that she wants us to have, but I will use my future-sister-in-law-powers-of-persuasion to get my way. It's worked so far.
But, since we were at Payless, I just had to look around and what jumped out at me, but these cool wedge sandals that you see displayed. Did I really need them? Not really, but you gotta have new summer shoes every year. Besides, I got a $2 off coupon for my next purchase, so I'll be getting my wedding shoes cheap.
For heavens sake paint the toenails at least that would look better with the shoe.
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