Monday, February 08, 2010

The end is in sight

Rewind to last Tuesday. Dad and I were sitting at the kitchen table eating dinner because he had to go to class and mom wasn't home yet. While we were eating, sharp pains started shooting down my leg. I finished eating and tried getting comfortable in the recliner but my abdomen and leg hurt so much. The day before I'd had some random pain down my leg and some numbness when I went to bed. I was getting concerned that the herniated disc in my back was getting worse and that I really was going to need back surgery, which scared the crap out of me. Mom came home from work and I was laying on the floor crying and trying to get comfortable. Mom ate, I tried an ice pack, a heating pad, soaking in warm water. Nothing was helping. Around 9, we finally headed towards the emergency room. For as busy as they were, I got a room fairly quickly but everything else was slow. Got admitted around 4am and mom left to go grab a nap on Grandma's couch around 5. I saw the neurosurgeon later that day and he was saying that he wasn't sure that it was my spine but he'd order a full spine MRI and see what that shows. I also saw another general surgeon that afternoon and he decided that another laproscopy was in order and since I was having some pain on my right side that I also needed to have my appendix out. He was going to schedule it for 3pmish the next day and I was on clear liquids until then and I also needed to drink half of a go-lytely. Boo!

Rewind 6 month to July 1. That was my first laproscopy when I had an obturator hernia that was repaired with mesh and my left ovary was adhesioned to my colon. All of this was repaired.

Surgery on February 2nd reveals: I'd formed adhesions (scar tissue) from the 1st surgery which wasn't that big of a surprise but the big surprise was the general surgeon found that during the first surgery the patch from the hernia was stitched to my colon. Every time I moved, this patch was pulling on my colon! The appendectomy was a breeze and I woke up in a lot of pain from the surgery but the pain that I'd been experiencing for the past 7 months was gone.

Now it's just time to heal and go back to work...

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