Well first things first, yes, I'm still alive. Just haven't had much to post lately, and just haven't taken the time to update here, so this'll be a long one.
My cousin Rael got married over the weekend. It was such a good wedding and such a fun time. I'm really happy for him, Jen's a great woman, and I hope that they have a lot of fun in Hawaii this week.
Finally found out what was wrong with my grandma. Besides not eating well, she was diagnosed with Empty Sella Syndrome which affects her pituitary gland and throws off her hormone balance. Easily fixed though and no decrease in life expectancy.
Mom had her surgery and had her skin cancer removed from her eye area. She had one hell of a shiner for a week or so but now she looks fine.
Well that's work, time in microbiology is always enjoyable and the phone calls are almost always amusing no matter what department that I'm in. Though I particularly loved the phone call one day "Are gram negative rods in blood cultures bad?" This was from a doctor. That's like the first thing you learn in basic microbiology after this is bacteria. GRAM NEGATIVE RODS are BAD! I take my certification exam on the 18th. Seemed like a long way off when I signed up for it. Now it's 17 days away. Gotta really start studying. Less time online for me and more time studying.
Love life.
Ha! What a joke. That's definitely the one thing I missed over the weekend at the wedding, someone to share a slow dance with that wasn't my dad. So I wished on a few stars. Maybe that'll help. I've actually talked to Dan last week, but that's going no where. It's been 2 months since I've seen him and I just don't feel that special connection to him. Really he was a fling and that's all. I just can't seem to cut him loose though because I'm so fucking sick of being alone. Yeah, I know crappy attitude and crappy reason to keep someone in my life. But since I maybe talk to him once a week, if that, well you can tell that there's really nothing there. Bah. Being single sucks.
Labels: daily, recap