Monday, June 27, 2005

Rock Boat

Must go.

Gotta make plans starting now. Must be on Rock Boat. Will rule

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Sunday, June 26, 2005

Eek! Help me!

Crap. I just realized that my parent's 25th wedding anniversary is 3 months away and I want to throw them a luau themed big ol bash. Help. I don't know where to start

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Thursday, June 16, 2005

Which ROTS character are you?

You scored as Yoda.



Padme Amidala


Clone Trooper


Mace Windu


Anakin Skywalker


Obi Wan Kenobi




Darth Vader




General Grievous




Emperor Palpatine


Which Revenge of the Sith Character are you?
created with

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Monday, June 13, 2005

An update

Yeah so it's been a while since I've updated here. I don't really know how well I'm going to manage two blogs, but this one is definitely still going to be the one for the more personal stuff going on in my life. Anyways, not much has been going on, been working my 80 hours and not doing much else in my spare time, though it is nice to finally be getting paid for what I did for 18 weeks for free.

Haven't had a chance to go sailing yet this summer, been too busy and the weather has been crappy. Bah.

Grandma's finally starting to get better (not the grandma that had lung cancer, my other one). Doctor told her on Friday that she should be in the hospital but being her stubborn self, she didn't want to go, so he gave her a breathing treatment thing to use at home and some good meds. I'm glad that she's finally getting better because she usually doesn't get sick like this.

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Tuesday, June 07, 2005

What's your SW horoscope?

Star Wars Horoscope for Gemini

Like most Geminis, you are a playful little creature.
You tend to be extremely curious, craving knowledge but sometimes having a short attention span.
For the most part, you are charming and loveable.
But at times, you can seem scattered and high-strung.

Star wars character you are most like: Ewoks

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Saturday, June 04, 2005

The VACO show

Was absofreakingamazing once again. Those guys are totally awesome and I was one of the oh 5 people down on the floor right against the barrier. Totally awesome. They're just so full of energy, I don't know how they keep it up. Woulda blogged this earlier but since I didn't get home until 4am that day, I've been trying to catch up on sleep since then

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