The thoughts of an average American who is effing sick of the election
Title of this post should say it all.
There is more to the world than politics. Than Liberals v Conservatives. Though the extremists would have us think that the fate of the Universe depends on their party being in power.
It sickens me.
I'm sick of it.
I don't want to hear about it anymore.
I just want to teleport through time and have tomorrow be over.
I don't know about you, but I'm sick of the negativity. I'm sick of every other commercial on TV being a negative campaign ad telling you how awful the other candidate is and how they're going to ruin the world. That's not what I want to hear. Tell me what you are going to do, tell me how you're going to make things better, tell me about YOU. Don't tell me how 10 years ago a guy that you didn't know did something that offends you now because you think that it will make people vote for you. Don't tell me how he or she is bad for me. Tell me how you are good for me. Tell me how you're going to help me. Didn't your mama ever teach you that if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all? The people who are getting my votes are the ones that have run the fewest attack ads.
But, while thinking about this, what is up with the amount of money being spent on this election? Seriously. It's enough to fund a small country. Or seriously cut out national debt. The money could be spent so much better than on attack ads and I know that I'm not the only one sick of all this election mess and the amount of money being wasted to tell the population how much the other guy sucks.
I can't wait until tomorrow is over.
Too bad the mess will start again in a year with the primaries again.
God help us all.
Labels: 2010, ads, American, daily, disgust, election, fed up, negativity
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