Ok so I know it's been like 2 weeks since I've gone camping but I've been busy! I've been meaning to blog for a while, really, I have!
We packed up the trailer and headed up to Tawas Point. If you can't tell from my flickr pictures, I just love Tawas. It's a great little tourist town, even if WalMart has put all the little stores out of business.

We were at the campground out at the point so we were across the bay from the State Harbor, where I stayed last year. It was nice being in the campground because I hadn't camped there in ages. It was nice to be back, and they'd totally redone some of the campsites, and the bathrooms and showers (score! Private shower area instead of stalls lined up next to each other).
Would have been great had we not gotten there and found the campsite we were assigned to under about 4 inches of water. Made me so happy that we were in a trailer and not a tent. Luckily, the campground is mostly sand so the site drained quickly.
Got set up, ate, hung out with our neighbors. I learned the most interesting thing from the Hash's.
Hot dogs make good fishing bait.

Friday's campfire was good, but not everyone in our group was there, so we called it a slightly early night (If you call midnight early).
Naturally, as always happens when I'm camping, I was up early on Saturday, in fact I thought it was later than 8am when I woke up.
After a leisurley breakfast we headed into town for a bit, had lunch at Mulligan's (formerly The Perfect Pickle) and had an order of the original deep fried pickles. No one else can beat them.
We got back to the campground, suited up, went down to the beach, and of course, then the rains came...
So back to town with the Hashes to kill time.
And I managed to twist my ankle by stepping in a hole in a rain covered street trying to get from one awning to another. That was fun.
Not nearly as fun though as getting back to camp and finding our campsite ankle deep in water and our carpet floating.
Yes, floating.
And the rain wasn't stopping.
So we went for pizza.
And saw some amazing lightning and then a rainbow over the bay.
Luckily it dried out enough that night for a good fire.

And we roasted peeps in that fire, but they don't eat well after you've reduced them to a bubbling pile of marshmallow slag.
And we had some sticky marshmallows left, that we didn't want to take home...
So I roasted all of them at once on our new marshmallow stick.

And the flames rocked!
Sunday we broke camp a little later than intended, but we were down the aisle that every camper had to go down to get to the dumping station. So we just left late. And the rangers didn't have much of a problem with it.
I can't wait to go sailing again.
Labels: camping, daily, family, friends, photography, Tawas, trips
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