Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Waiting room seating

I walked into the chiropractor's office today as I have about once a month for the past year, since I passed out and collapsed in the shower, and the waiting room is kinda small, only 7 chairs in there, but there have been days where every chair in there is full.

Today was not one of those days.

There were 2 people sitting in the waiting room ahead of me. They were sitting on the wall with 4 chairs on it, sitting with a chair in between them. I looked at it, and decided to follow suit, so I sat in the first chair by the window. One person gets called back, and someone else comes in, sits in the empty chair that had just been vacated. Then a married couple walks in and stands by the counter, even though there were two seats next to each other by me, they stood by the counter, which was actually a good thing because they reeked of cigarette smoke.

So, I went back, got all cracked and got told that the shoes that I was wearing were probably the cause of my lower back problems. Nah, it was the first day I was wearing them.

I go back out to pay my bill, and once again, people are sitting in every other seat.

Why? Why do we do this?

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At 6:19 PM, Blogger Theresa said...

we fear human contact. ;)

At 10:32 AM, Blogger the scoundrel said...

I know that I dislike having my personal space invaded... and I choose to not subject others to having their space invaded. *shrugs*


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