Monday, May 07, 2007

Chaos, it's not just a theory...

It's a way of life!

This weekend was one of the BIG events concerning the upcoming BIG event in June. It was the bridal shower. Itwas weeks of planning chaos boiled down to one long day. It all went smoothly during the set up. Liz's aunts are totally nuts and I loved them. I can't wait to see them at the wedding. Liz and Ryan got almost everything that they registered for with only a few duplicate gifts that they have to return tomorrow.

So today mom and I lazed around the house until mid afternoon and headed out to run some errands. When we came home we found a message on the answering machine from my aunt informing us that my grandma was in the hospital. Her platelet count was too low last week for her to start chemo and one of her doctors decided to do some more labs over the weekend and her platelet count was almost critical low, so she was admitted to the hospital. Mom and I went right up and visited with her for a while. You can't tell that anything is wrong by looking at her, but they're not sure why her platelets are so low, so now it's going to be lots of labs and other tests while we wait.

And to top it all off, I have a sore throat and an ear ache.

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