Maternal Madness
My mom is driving me nuts. I'm gonna lose it. I now remember why I wasn't looking super forward to coming home even though I wanted a break from school. First off today she was on my case because I didn't get dressed until after noon. Let's see, I didn't get up until 11 and couldn't get into the bathroom until after 1. It's not like I had anywhere to go. Then she got on my case about the fact that I was laying on the couch reading a book. Well, she was cleaning the dining room and I didn't have anywhere to be or anything to do, so yeah, I sat down to watch TV and read. Then I didn't move my car back to our driveway from the neighbor's soon enough for her. And of course, I can never keep the dishes in the dishwasher kept up enough. Nevermind the fact that they were dirty and she was the one cooking, it's not that hard to rinse something and put it in the dishwasher when you use it (ok that rant is from yesterday). It just drives me nuts. I mean there are times when we get along great, but there are times that she just drives me nuts. And I'm so sick of her riding my ass about getting a job. I know that I need to get a job. I have no money. But it's not my damn fault that no one around here is hiring because the economy is so messed up. Ugh.
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