Thursday, August 26, 2010

My thoughts on the "Ground Zero Mosque"

Normally, I don't blog about things political, but this is really bugging me.

Americans and Christians weren't the only people that died on 9/11. Not by a long shot, but we, being Americans, are arrogant enough to believe that we are the only ones that were affected.

Now there is a big hubub as the Islamic community wants to build a community center near the site of the World Trade Center. This has caused a huge reaction that we're disrespecting the memory of the people who died on 9/11. I've been to Ground Zero, I've ridden past the ruined subway station and felt the horror of the attack. Though I've been there, I support the rights of the Muslim community to build their community center where they wish.

America was a country built on religious freedom. It seems though that if you're not a WASP, religious freedom doesn't belong to you. The extremists want you to think that. If you don't think how I think, then you are the enemy and must be destroyed. People forget the Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you would do unto you." Islam was founded as a peaceful religion, and most followers are peaceful, the biased media would have us think otherwise though. People seem to forget that the Old Testament, Kor'an, and Torah are the same thing.

So, let the people have their community center. A site where people can get together and meet peacefully. If we do nothing but promote ignorance and intolerance, then we are doing nothing but raising the next generation of bigots and terrorists. Our arrogance that we are the only country that matters and our religious freedoms is what make the fundamental extremists hate us. It is time to get past the hate and back to the values that made us the greatest country in the world, a melting pot for people of all faiths and cultures to live in peace side by side.

Remember, "That which you do to the least of my brothers, you do to me."

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