Sunday, November 01, 2009

The soap confusion

I opened a new bottle of hand soap in my bathroom yesterday. Cucumber melon. It's a scent that I've been using off and on for years. In fact, I have a couple of bottle of lotion to use up too. But anyways, when I'd go to wash my hands, I'd turn on the sink and pump the soap at the same time. When I was pumping the soap, I'd notice an off smell. It was sour or something. All, I could think was that it was the soap but it was weird because my hands smelled fine when I washed them. So, I took the soap back to Bath & Body Works and exchanged it for a new one. Yesterday I'd opened a cherry blossom soap yet still today I smelled the smell. So, I asked my dad if he'd take a look at the sink tomorrow. He looked at it tonight. The drain was full of a giant hairball. He pulled some of it out and then I had to sacrifice a metal hangar to finish the cleaning of the putrid smelling drain. I'd exchanged the soap for nothing. Oops. Gotta watch out what goes down the drain from now on. Apparently liquid plumbr doesn't fix hair that won't let go and it just makes for a really pleasant smell.

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