Sunday, August 16, 2009

It just doesn't make sense

Michigan's economy is in the tank right now. The maximum security prison in Standish is scheduled for closure unless something can be done about it. One of the people on my street might lose her job because of it. But our governor is looking for ways to keep the prison open, which includes leasing space to California for them to send some of their prisoners out here or taking the detainees from Gitmo. The people of Standish don't want the prison to close because they'll lose a lot of jobs and it will hurt their economy severely. The detainees from Gitmo would be better financially than taking the California prisoners because California's in just about as bad of financial shape as Michigan and wouldn't be able to pay their bills while the Federal Government has a little more of a chance of paying their bills.

But the people of Standish want nothing to do with the Gitmo detainees because they are scared and don't want "those kind of people" in their prison.

It's a freaking maximum security prison people! It's not like they're going to be walking the streets. They're going to be in their cells for 23 hours a day! And the people in charge of the prison said that if they get the Gitmo prisoners then they'll expand the perimeter of the prison for added security.

I just don't get it. It's the choice between having a job and not having a job. The people that work there are all for it because they'll still be employed. Besides, this is the start of northern MIchigan. Someone escapes up there and the hunters will take care of them. Go with what will keep people employed, especially if it's not going to personally affect you.

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