Friday, October 05, 2007

Fun at the doctor

This morning I had my annual "Let's get everything checked" appointment. All well and good. I get there, I wait, no biggie. The nurse takes me back, takes my vitals all is well. Leaves me to change into the gown.


The gown, which had been folded in the drawer by the great laundry staff at Covenant, only had one arm.

I'm standing there, trying to figure out how this thing goes on and try to get it on, and it's just not working.

Rush to get clothes back on.

Stick head out the door.

Here come nurse and doctor, rather surprised to still see me fully clothed.

I hold up the gown. "Only one sleeve."

Everyone kind of laughs and the nurse gets me out a new gown and then they leave me alone to change again.

That always confuses me though. Why do they always leave the room when you change? They're about to see all anyways.

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