Call me... gimpy
I swear, that I'm the only person I know that can sprain my ankle in my sleep or while sitting down. This time it was the latter. My ankle was sore to begin with and I went to sit down last night and felt something pop/snap. I was already wearing my boot brace for extra support because it was bugging me, but then I could barely stand to put any pressure on it. I was really gimping around the rest of the night after that. So I get home this morning and my mom saw me really limping and so she went to work and made me an appointment, but I had to go to my doctor first, who declared it sprained and not needing an orthopedic surgeon, so I couldn't get a referral to get it checked by an orthopedic surgeon. Now I'm off of work tonight because of my ankle and I have the next two days off anyways, so hopefully I'll be better by Thursday, unfortunately though, this foot is now going numb randomly. Damnit.
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