Thursday, February 16, 2006

So much better

So my Valentine's day was kind of a flop, but things are getting better now. As many of you know, I'm in a workplace relationship with this awesome guy and I never get to see him outside of work because of crazy scheduleness. But anyways, Tuesday I got to work and I had a message waiting from him in my inbox (we work in different parts of the building so email is a must) and it's about how he needs to slow down because he's got a lot going on personally right now and how he can't move forward and he apologizes for his crummy timing and stuff. So during the course of the day we talk about it and reach a consensous of where we're at and how things are going to go between us. So I came home that night, a little down in the dumps and had a few conversations with some friends about what I was feeling and such. Though the best conversation happened yesterday morning with the one person that I trust the most. Thanks C.

And now things seem better. Yesterday it was like he was a totally different person. Happy again. Teasing me about my jewelry (I've got one necklace that he says looks like a fishing lure and another that looks like a purple jujubee). Winking at me.

It was strange, I didn't even realize that this stuff was missing, yet when it reappeared I'd realized how much I missed it.

It seems like this step backwards that we seem to be taking at the moment seems to be the best step forward for us. A relationship can't be built unless there's a good solid friendship underneath it. Plus we both have tomorrow off so we're planning on spending some time together

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