Thursday, December 23, 2004

I am not a juvenile delinquent

Bah. Work today was evil. I felt like I was a juvenile delinquent. The one second that I stop working to answer a question that my coworked asked me (which was work related) our store manager walks by and asks if one of us was at the other end of the department. Well, I was on my way to the stockroom to put some stuff back that my supervisor had given me. Then we get yelled at by our supervior for talking. So I get sent back to fragrances and then Joyce gives me a handful of sucks to go hang up. I go and put them away and on my way back I stopped and picked a couple of scarves up off the floor and Jennifer was standing nearby working on some jewelry so I talked to her as I was picking up the scarves and heading back to the fragrance counter. Immediately Joyce swooped over and yelled at me for talking and sent me back over to fragrance (where I was headed in the first place) and told me that I wasn't to leave that corner because the store manager was watching us. What the hell is wrong with that store? What about the concept of teamwork? Apparently JCPenney knows nothing about it and I'm just ready to tell them all off, but I need this job

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