Tuesday, March 30, 2004

It's spring!

I've never been so happy for nice weather. I wore flip flops to class today and got my first frio mocha of the season this morning. I love the spring time. Everything looks so fresh and green. And when I was home over the weekend I got to hear my first ship horn of the season. I love that sound, the long blast and the short blast signalling one of the four bridges in town to open. Of course I only live about a mile from the first bridge over the river, so I hear lots of ships all summer long. It's a real soothing sound. Great when you have your window open at night with a breeze blowing in and you hear the ships and know that life is still going on while you sleep.

So lesse, I haven't updated this in about 5 days, so where have I been. Well I went home and relaxed some over the weekend. Left after I made up my bloodbank lab on Friday afternoon. The weekend was too short though. Friday night mom and I went to JoAnn Fabric (dangerous store for me to go in, but I wanted to get some fabric to make a new shirt) and not only did I buy the fabric that I went there to get but I also cashed in on scrapbook paper because they had it half off. Saturday mom and I went to this huge craft show and I picked up a few things and then we ran around and did some other stuff. We got some sad news at church though. Our Bishop, who had announced in February that he was fighting cancer, died Saturday afternoon and he was going to be getting a bone marrow transplant soon. :( He wasn't even that old either, only 66 and he was a really popular Bishop. Then later that night we went to Sears and I picked up a bunch of paint chips to decide what colors to paint my room this summer. I'm thinking a light purple base with a darker purple rag rolled over it, for kind of a marble effect. It should look real sweet. Then on Sunday we had brunch and I headed back to school.

Oh and if anyone is interested, I'm selling my 1993 Chevy Cavalier for $1500. It runs great, and really likes water. See me if you're interested.

And I'm getting majorly pumped for the concert Saturday. That and the spring weather put me in one big ass happy mood! Go me!


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