Monday, December 29, 2003

The Check's In The Mail

So yeah, I overdrew my checking account. Go me. With fees and everything, I'm $82.76 in the hole. Luckily I called the bank this morning and since I'm 2 hours away from them they said I could mail a check to cover it, so the check is in the mail.

I feel really blah right now, I've been on semester break for 2 weeks now, I'm entering the third, I go back to school in a week and I'm bored as hell. I'm reading my 5th book since I've been on break and I've still got a pile of books to read, I've bought just a few while I've been home, but I need something to entertain me on the days that I don't have any classes next semester. But part of why I'm so bored when I'm at home is that I really want nothing to do with my graduating class. The people that I went to High School with aren't really the kind of people that I want to be involved with. They were mean, spiteful, snobby and once we all graduated I really haven't heard anything from the people that I thought were my friends. Now I've got my friends at college and they are the kind of people that I want to hang out with. Unfortunately when we're on break, they're all about 2 hours away. But most of them I'll get to see next week so I just have to surivive boredom for another week and teach my dad how to knock on my door before opening it..


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