Sunday, November 16, 2003

Ok, I should never be allowed to go into a bookstore or a mall again. I went to the mall to buy 2 things tonight, I left $60 poorer. I just couldn't help it, B. Dalton had two books by Patricia Cornwell, one that I wanted and one that was brand new in hardcover. And I was meant to have them both because the hardcover was $6 off and the paperback was $7. And Lerner's had a 50% off the redline price corner and I finally found a pair of pinstripe pants that really look good on me, and this real cute skirt. So that was another $20, but that was like $50 worth of clothing, so it's all good. And the two things that I went to the mall to buy were $20. But I also got some Christmas shopping done today, I bought Camden the cutest teddy bear made out of a blanket, and Matthew a fireman helmet that makes noise and lights up when you push the badge on the front.

It's been real nice being home this weekend, last night was just kind of a lazy night. I got home from school and had the house to myself so I messed around on the computer a little and then just crashed on the couch. Dad made enchiladas for dinner and oh those tasted good. My stomach didn't know how to react to real food. Finished off the night with a nice soak in the neighbor's hot tub and then actually went to bed before midnight. Amazing huh? So this morning I got up around 11 and went and made payment number 18 of 36. My piece of shit car is actually half way paid off. Never mind that I'm planning on getting a real job this summer that pays more then $6/hour and selling that car and maybe buying a car that was made in the millenia. Mom and I went out to lunch and then to a couple of bazaars, and I bought Camden's bear and saw one of my grandma's. Got a new tote bag that totally fits with my princess identity too. It's got a castle on one side and a unicorn on the other. Very me. I went to Meijer's to go pick up a few things to do the baking that I wanted to do tonight, and just about got hit by this old man backing out of his parking space as I was waiting for someone to back out of another one, so I almost had reason to get a new car, but he would have backed in to where my door was, so I laid on the horn a few times before he stopped with about 2 feet to spare. Going to church tonight made me realize how much I miss St. Paul's. I haven't been there in about a month and I really miss it. I just went through Mass on autopilot tonight and don't remember that much of it. After church I just hung around the house some and we had dinner then I got to talk to Mikey ( :D) for a while and then mom and I went to the mall. Afterwards we went and rented Anger Management (which I've seen but think is hilarious) and Finding Nemo (which we better watch tomorrow so I can decide if I want to buy it or not) and then came home and I made banana bread and chocolate chip cookies. The house smells awesome right now and the cookies taste good (has to sample the one that I wrinkled up) and I just know that Mikey is going to love them. So yeah, I should probably go to bed soon since I'm going to see Camden tomorrow and I told my Grandma that I'd come over tonight and never made it so I'll have to do that tomorrow.

Love and kisses everyone!


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