Friday, November 07, 2003

Fitness swimming was a bear today, er yesterday, er nevermind it's still today because I haven't gone to sleep yet. Anyways we did a 10 minute warm up, no biggie, then a 15 minute continuous swim. Ok that was a little worse because of the fun stuff running down the back of my throat, but I managed to knock out 700 yards. Not too bad but not as good as I wanted either, tat's averaging a little over 2 minutes/100. If I want to swim an 8 minute 500 by the end of the semester, I've got to get my rear in gear. After that swim we recovered a bit and then played JP's version of water polo. My abs, my poor poor abs. This class will get me back into shape. Or at least better then I am. Excuse me now, I'm going to go remove my brain in an attempt to shake this headache


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