Sunday, September 28, 2003

Be gone wretched cold. I think that the 11 hours of sleep that I got Saturday really helped. I went to bed at like 1:30 Saturday morning and then slept til after noon. And surprise of all surprises when I woke up, Mom and Dad were coming to visit. I found that out at 1. That gave me about three and a half hours to clean my room, shower, get dressed, do my dishes, pass mail and get some work related stuff done. So the parents got here around 5 with a garbage bag full of sweaters and my winter coat (yes it may still be September, but we have snow in the forecast this week) We went to Schuberg's for dinner and I introduced my parents to the delicacy that is a Shu-burger. After dinner they dropped me off at the ice arena so that I could attend the Crimson and Gold scrimmage and superskills competition. I'm really excited for Bulldawg hockey this year. After the game got over (at the rediculously early hour of 8:30 because they only played 2 periods and did skills), Adrienne and I went and rented some movies. Hot Chick and Anger Management are SO funny. Finished watching those around 1 and took Adrienne back to her hall and then just hung out and read for a while before turning the light off at 3.

Now usually, I go to the student mass at 5pm on Sunday. The Bishop was here today to install our priest as the pastor for both Catholic churches in Big Rapids today, so I got up and went to 11am mass in the auditorium on campus. It was a nice service but the sermon that the Bishop gave really had little to do with the scripture for today and more how we were growing as a community of faith and how we'd been growing for the past 130 years. Interesting, but not what I wanted to bring from mass. Oh well, I read the scripture again later, they actually gave us the verses this week. So far an interesting day, we'll see what the week brings


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