Monday, July 21, 2003

Today has been a mixture of good and bad.

Microscopic UA's suck! Ok so maybe I shouldn't have picked the BROWN urine. There were plenty of nice yellow ones, but I figured that the brown would be fun. Boy something was wrong with that person. Wall to wall bacteria, casts, epithelials, white cells, calcium oxalate crystals (which look totally awesome). I had such a headache when I was done looking at it. It was scary. I had such a headache when I was done. Lesson learned: stay away from the funky colored piss.

Had lunch with friends and while we were eating it started to pour outside, and I had to get back to the allied health building. I had left my umbrella in my room this morning and had happened to pick out a white tshirt to wear today. Yeah. Things were not looking good. Luckily, God was on my side and it stopped raining so that I could go back to class.

Chemistry lab: Was supposed to rotate on the CX7 today. Last week it leaked all over the floor, reagent everywhere. It hasn't been fixed yet, so all I had to do was my glass pipetting competency and I got to leave. Now, to work on my final exam for political science.


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