I hereby think it's impossible to have immunology not to be sexual. We were being instructed on how to do a particular mount with a mounting media and our prof just happened to mention that the media was slightly viscous. Somehow, the subject of KY jelly was brought up. Mind you, we're a class of 8 females, 1 male and our male prof. I don't know if our prof is going to survive the summer with us. Especially when people started talking about the different kinds of KY. I was laughing so hard that I was just about crying. Since we were doing anti-nuclear antibody test, we had to go into a dark room and look at the slides under a fluorescent microscope. Since this was our first time doing fluorescent microscopy our prof was looking at the slides under the scope with us (it had two heads) and he told us, "Ok to look at the slides we're going to do this one at a time since I can't handle all of you at once." That caused us to laugh even more. I haven't laughed that long in a long time.
Then as I was leaving lab and going downstairs to hang my lab coat, change back into sandals, and grab my bookbag I ended up behind two female faculty members. Apparently one of them had her husband cooking filet minon at home. The other one said that he probably wanted something and the first one replied that she probably would deliver and then something about delivering once a year whether she wanted to or not. Then they realized that I was behind them and laughed and said that they probably shouldn't talk that way with a student around. I almost felt like telling them, "this is nothing compared to what was just discussed in my lab."
Fun day. Now to finish studying.
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