Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Ah, political science is over, and if I've calculated correctly, I shouldn't get lower then a B. I got a 75 on the midterm, a 96 on the term paper, and all of my participation and attendance points (even for the night that I skipped class to go to the concert). So as long as I didn't bomb the final, which I'm sure didn't happen, all of my social awareness credits are complete. It's always nice seeing one more set of requirements get checked off of the list.

So anyways, I've decided that the university is playing a game of lets see how much we can inconvienence the student. Here's why:
1. I was told on Monday night that I have to condense down from 2 rooms to one room by Saturday. I think that I might be sleeping on my couch all next week.
2. My room for me to move into in Pickell won't be ready until sometime late next week, so here I am packing down into one room and then next week I get to move across campus. Joy.
3. Because the police corp is learning how to drive, I had to move my car from the parking lot that I was in to the lot in front of the allied health building.
4. After moving my car to said lot, construction crews started working on the convienent enterance to said lot.
5. Random pieces of cement are being torn up all across campus and being replaced. So one day you can walk through an area and the next day you have to detour halfway around campus.

Of course on the plus side, I'm going home this weekend! Hopefully I'll get to sail some.


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