Saturday, May 10, 2003

Today's subject: Why I hate moving. Really it sucks. I'm moving home for a week and then back to campus next Sunday. Yeah. Makes a lot of sense. So here I am cleaning everything up and out. I have SO much junk. But alas, a lot of it is getting thrown out. My couch, table, refrigerator, and top of loft are going into storage until I move into P-baugh for the summer, where I get a whole suite to myself...Yayness. Anywho, 40 more minutes and the halls are officially closed, then I get to go over to Taggart for lunch. After that come back here, do my dishes, pack up my bathrrom stuff and continue to sort and clean until my parents and uncle get here about 2 to move me home. Then in a week, I get to do the exact opposite, move everything in and then not be able to find anything for a week because my mom put it somewhere. That's always fun, having to call mom. "Mom, where the heck did you put...?" Yeah moving officially sucks. Anyone wanna come move me out?


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