English class today was one of those classes that you think "What is my teacher on today?" We were discussing The Man Who Would Be King, because for our final we have to do a critical response on it. Somehow we got onto the topic of the chapter in the New Testament about the loaves and the fish. So there went my mind to that story. How did Jesus feed the 5,000 with just 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish? Did seeing the offering of the bread and fish make the people bring out what they might have had hidden on themselves? How did 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish feed 5,000 men, and the women and children? How did they end up with 12 baskets of bread left from the original 5 loaves? This is one of those stories that you hear so many times, but it still makes you think every time that you hear it. Well back to English class. We were also talking about some of the music that was in the movie and about marches. Watching my prof march around the room to his own made up march was hilarious. There was also some discussion about the Irish folk song "The Son of Man Goes Off to War" that was in the story and the movie. My prof said that there was no biblical reference in that song but with a title like that it makes you think. I think I'm going to miss English class too because we talked about more than just English in there, we also learned about life.
Sail away with me
Navigate the waters of my life...
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