Monday, May 19, 2003

$331.44 on textbooks. Three hundred thirty-one dollars and forty-four cents on EIGHT books. What a ripoff! Some of these books are massive. I'm gonna build some muscle carrying them around on campus.

Got a new fish today. His name is Admiral Ackbar. He's a red betta, with just the smallest hint of teal. Very cool fish, he's now living in a vase on my coffee table. He's fiesty too. Kandy, Jon and Jess made fun of me for his name but Ackbar's my fish so I can name him whatever I want. It's just nice having a little fish around again.

When we went into town today, had to stop by the housing office so that Jess could pick up her paycheck. I was driving so I just pull up illegally and wait for her. Two of our campus police officers drive by and don't do a thing. They both just wave at me. I guess some good things came out of living in Pickell last school year.

I'm listening to a cd that I made that's all Westlife right now. Love them. I finally found out the name of that new song that I liked. It's Sister Hazel and the song title is "Your Mistake" Anyone else heard it? Whaddya think?

Finally managed to connect with Mark on the phone tonight. I was so nervous about calling him but once we started talking, we talked for an hour. We'd still be talking but my wonderful cell phone cut out on me for the second time and I haven't been able to get ahold of him since. *throws her cell across the room* It was so nice finally hearing his voice though. That's something that you always wonder when you're friends with someone online, what does their voice sound like. Well I liked what I heard. Life is good.


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